In 2021, the European Commission concluded that the old inclusion paradigm has failed and called on member states to adopt national strategies based on a new framework, which would ensure quality participation. As already mentioned, according to the Swedish government “No revision (…) is deemed necessary”. Considering evaluations, research outputs and critical Romani voices, we argue that there is a need to brush the dust off the report by the Delegation for Roma Issues 2006-2010, and reconsider the recommendations made there.
If Roma are to have real influence over decisions made about Roma, there is a need to move away from the present practice of reference groups. Therefore, we recommend:
Roma should be involved in all stages of decision-making processes, including the preparation phase, instead of only being informed when decisions are made. The Delegation for Roma Issues 2006-2010, the White Paper (2011-2014) as well as the Commission Against Antiziganism (2014-2016) employed a thorough dialectic working-group process involving Roma, which could be used for inspiration.
When reference persons are consulted, they should be selected on the basis of formal competence rather than based on a more-or-less permanent membership in reference-group, work or memberships in organisations. University-educated Roma must be heard and considered.
To consider establishing an Agency for Roma Issues following the model of the Finnish Roma Delegation