Ofta hävdas att de lokala, direkt berörda parterna är mest lämpade att fatta beslut i miljöfrågor. I denna pilotstudie sätts det ifråga. En undersökning presenteras av hur lagen om strandskydd fungerar på kommunal nivå, mer specifikt dess tillämpning i Haninge kommun och skärgårdsön Ornö.
This book is a case study of the Baltic Sea region that addresses such questions. Many non-governmental organizations today have regular contacts with counterparts in other littoral states. In some cases, the non-state actors have also deepened their cooperation and established regional international non-governmental organizations or transnational networks. Their purpose has been, amongst other things, to establish a platform from which they can interact with the Baltic Sea states and influence regional intergovernmental processes. In explainging these patterns of transnational relations, the author highlights a broad range of conditions relating to the actors themselves as well as to structure.