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  • 1.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    The Place of Play in an Anthropocene Public Sphere: On Vril Båt Sten/Fijfere Vanás Geaðgi : (Burl Boat Stone) by Joar Nango and Anders Rimpi2023In: Renegotiations: The Role of Public Art in the New Millenium / [ed] Håkan Nilsson, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2023, p. 120-133Chapter in book (Refereed)
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    The Place of Play in an Anthropocene Public Sphere
  • 2.
    Moberg, Christina
    et al.
    EASAC; KTH, Sverige.
    Wolrath Söderberg, Maria
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Rhetoric.
    Sandberg, Linn
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Lindblad, Inger
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Sjöholm, Cecilia
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Aesthetics.
    Gullström, Martin
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Lalander, Rickard
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Andrén, Elinor
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Vallström, Maria
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Ethnology.
    Bonow, Madeleine
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Andrén, Thomas
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Porseryd, Tove
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Grahn, Mats
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Karlholm, Dan
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Smith, Nicholas
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Philosophy.
    Lehtilä, Kari
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Cederberg, Carl
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge.
    Svärd, Veronica
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Gunnarsson Payne, Jenny
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Ethnology.
    Bornemark, Jonna
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge.
    Kaun, Anne
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Media and Communication Studies.
    Bergkvist, Anna-Mia
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge.
    Gunnarson, Martin
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge.
    Persson, Sara
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Business Studies.
    Jacobsson, Ellen
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge.
    Spånberger Weitz, Ylva
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Diderichsen, Öjvind
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education, Teacher Education and Aesthetic Learning Processes.
    Gilek, Michael
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Garrison, Julie
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Pröckl, Maria
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge.
    Janzén, Therese
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Dobers, Peter
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Business Studies.
    Dinnétz, Patrik
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Westerberg, Charles
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Elmersjö, Magdalena
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Bisander, Thea
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Oreskovic, Nikolina
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Fröhlig, Florence
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Ethnology.
    Stedt, Kristoffer
    Göteborgs universitet, Sverige.
    De unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten: 1 620 forskare och lärare i forskarvärlden: Vi ställer oss bakom Auroras klimatkrav2022In: Aftonbladet, no 2022-12-07, p. 2Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Vi, 1 620 forskare samt lärare vid universitet och högskolor, är eniga med de unga bakom Auroramålet: De drabbas och riskerar att drabbas allvarligt av klimatkrisen under sin livstid. De klimatåtgärder vi vidtar i närtid avgör deras framtid. Sverige måste ta ansvar och göra sin rättvisa andel av det globala klimatarbetet. 

    I strid med Parisavtalet ökar utsläppen av växthusgaser i en takt som gör att 1,5-gradersmålet kan överskridas om några år. De globala effekterna blir allt mer synliga med ständiga temperaturrekord, smältande isar, havshöjning och extremväder som torka, förödande bränder och skyfall med enorma översvämningar, som i Pakistan nyligen. Försörjningen av befolkningen utsätts för allvarliga hot i många länder.

    Minskningen av den biologiska mångfalden är extrem. Klimatkrisen är enligt WHO det största hotet mot människors hälsa i hela världen och barn utgör en särskilt sårbar grupp. Med Sveriges nordliga läge sker uppvärmningen här dubbelt så fort som det globala genomsnittet. Det förskjuter utbredningsområden för växtlighet och sjukdomsbärande insekter och ökar förekomsten av extremväder såsom värmeböljor, skogsbränder och översvämningar samt av många olika sorters infektioner och allergier. När extremväder ökar, ökar även stressen och risken för mental ohälsa. Värmeböljor ökar risken för sjukdom och död hos sårbara grupper som äldre, små barn och personer med kroniska sjukdomar. De negativa effekterna på hälsan kommer att öka i takt med klimatkrisen och barn riskerar att drabbas av ackumulerade negativa hälsoeffekter under hela sina liv. Redan i dag är mer än hälften av unga mellan 12 och 18 år i Sverige ganska eller mycket oroliga för klimat och miljö. Detta är förståeligt när våra beslutsfattare inte gör vad som krävs.

    Den juridiska och moraliska grunden för arbetet mot klimatförändringarna är att varje land måste göra sin rättvisa andel av det globala klimatarbetet. Centralt i det internationella klimatramverket är att rika länder med höga historiska utsläpp, däribland Sverige, måste gå före resten av världen. Dessa länder måste också bidra till att finansiera klimatomställningen i länderna i det Globala Syd, som är minst ansvariga för klimatkrisen men drabbas hårdast. Denna rättviseprincip är tydlig i Parisavtalet och var en het diskussionsfråga under COP27 i Sharm el-Sheikh, men lyser med sin frånvaro i det svenska klimatarbetet. 

    Sverige har satt mål för att minska sina utsläpp. Men de är helt otillräckliga: minskningstakten är för låg och målen tillåter samtidigt att åtgärder skjuts på framtiden. Dessutom exkluderas merparten av Sveriges utsläpp från de svenska nationella utsläppsmålen; bland annat utelämnas utsläpp som svensk konsumtion orsakar utanför Sveriges gränser, utsläpp från utrikes transporter och utsläpp från markanvändning och skogsbruk, exempelvis utsläpp från förbränning av biobränslen eller utsläpp från dikade våtmarker (Prop. 2016/17:146 s.25-28).

    Sverige saknar dessutom ett eget mål för att öka upptaget av växthusgaser genom utökat skydd och restaurering av ekosystem, något som krävs för att begränsa de värsta konsekvenserna av klimatkrisen (IPCC s.32). Trots dessa låga ambitioner misslyckas Sverige med att nå sina utsläppsmål, konstaterar både Klimatpolitiska rådet och Naturvårdsverket. En klimatpolitik i linje med Parisavtalet kräver både att alla typer av växthusgasutsläpp minskar samtidigt som – inte i stället för – upptaget av växthusgaser maximeras: i dag misslyckas Sverige på bägge fronter.

    Slutsatsen är tydlig. Sverige vidtar inte de åtgärder som krävs för att skydda barns och ungdomars rättigheter enligt Europakonventionen till skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna. Detta medför allvarliga risker för liv och hälsa för unga generationer, människor i andra länder och särskilt utsatta grupper. Detta kan inte fortsätta. Därför ställer vi oss bakom Auroras krav att Sverige börjar göra sin rättvisa andel och omedelbart sätter igång ett omfattande och långtgående klimatarbete som vilar på vetenskaplig grund och sätter rättvisa i centrum.

  • 3.
    Gerhardt, Karin
    et al.
    Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Sverige.
    Wolrath Söderberg, Maria
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Rhetoric.
    Lindblad, Inger
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Diderichsen, Öjvind
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education, Teacher Education and Aesthetic Learning Processes.
    Gullström, Martin
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Dahlin, Maria
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Rhetoric.
    Köping Olsson, Ann-Sofie
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Business Studies.
    Lehtilä, Kari
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Rasoal, Chato
    Södertörn University, School of Police Studies.
    Dobers, Peter
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Business Studies.
    Johansson, Johanna
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Berndt, Kurt D.
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education, Mathematics Education.
    Karlholm, Dan
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Kjellqvist, Tomas
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Lalander, Rickard
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Vallström, Maria
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Ethnology.
    Alvarsson-Hjort, Jesper
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Psychology.
    Sjöholm, Cecilia
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Aesthetics.
    Lönngren, Ann-Sofie
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Comparative Literature.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Färjsjö, Eva
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education, Mathematics Education.
    Porseryd, Tove
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Sio, Miriam
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education, Teacher Education and Aesthetic Learning Processes.
    Yazdanpanah, Soheyla
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Pihl Skoog, Emma
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Archive Studies.
    Sörbom, Adrienne
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Sociology.
    Gallardo Fernández, Gloria L.
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Wadstein MacLeod, Katarina
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Garrison, Julie
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Andrén, Elinor
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Svärd, Veronica
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Hajighasemi, Ali
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Spånberger Weitz, Ylva
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Elmersjö, Magdalena
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    Persson, Sara
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Business Studies.
    Borevi, Karin
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Political Science.
    Carlsson, Nina
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Political Science.
    Löfgren, Isabel
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Media and Communication Studies.
    Ghose, Sheila
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, English language.
    Bonow, Madeleine
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Bornemark, Jonna
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge.
    Podolian, Olena
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Political Science.
    Grahn, Mats
    Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science.
    Gunnarsson Payne, Jenny
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Ethnology.
    Kaun, Anne
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Media and Communication Studies.
    Faber, Hugo
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Political Science.
    Cederberg, Carl
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge.
    Gradén, Mattias
    Högskolan Dalarna, Sverige.
    Nog nu, politiker – ta klimatkrisen på allvar2022In: Aftonbladet, no 2022-08-25Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 4.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Sweden in Solidarity, Museums in Exile: The Chilean International Resistance Museum in Solidarity with Salvador Allende and the International Art Exhibition for Palestine2022Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Chile’s democratically elected Socialist president Salvador Allende came to power in 1970. Then came the dictatorship that began with Augusto Pinochet’s coup d’état in 1973. It was perhaps logical that the European art world came to the aid of its Chilean colleagues in a great wave of solidarity. 

    The long 1970s has been connected to solidarity movements. Vietnam, Chile, South Africa, Palestine were among the countries supported by solidarity activists. Several so-called museums-in-exile were created. In particular, one source of inspiration was the Museo de la Resistencia Salvador Allende in Chile. This became a model also for the much older Palestinian Liberation Organisation’s (PLO) Unified Information Office that organised the International Art Exhibition for Palestine

    This booklet documents the Witness seminar that was held 19 February 2017 at Tensta Konsthall, where people met to discuss their involvement in the solidarity movements for Chile and Palestine.

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    Sweden in Solidarity, Museums in Exile
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  • 5.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Lekens plats i en antropocen offentlighet: Om Vril Båt Sten/Fijfere Vanás Geađgi av Joar Nango och Anders Rimpi2021In: Omförhandlingar: Den offentliga konstens roll efter millennieskiftet / [ed] Håkan Nilsson, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2021, p. 105-116Chapter in book (Refereed)
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    Lekens plats i en atropocen offentlighet: Om Vril Båt Sten/Fijfere Vanás Geađgi av Joar Nango och Anders Rimpi
  • 6.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Édouard Glissant som ekologins poet2021In: Blick, rörelse, röst: Festskrift till Cecilia Sjöholm / [ed] Katz Thor, Rebecka; Wallrup, Erik, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2021, p. 131-136Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 7.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Cease Identification With Territory, Gender, Race, And Class2019In: Baltic Worlds, ISSN 2000-2955, E-ISSN 2001-7308, Vol. XII, no 1, p. 52-53Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 8.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Postsocialist Bakhtin Burlesque: Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries performing 'Cunnilingus in North Korea'2019In: Words, Bodies, Memory: A Festschrift in honor of Irina Sandomirskaja / [ed] Lars Kleberg; Tora Lane; Marcia Sá Cavalcante Shuback, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2019, p. 213-229Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 9.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Gedin, AndreasSödertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.Ringarp, JohannaSödertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Pontus Hultén på Moderna Museet: Vittnesseminarium Södertörns högskola, 26 april 20172018Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den 9 maj 1958 invigdes Moderna Museet i marinens gamla Exercishall på Skeppsholmen i Stockholm. Museet var inte en självständig institution utan Nationalmuseums avdelning för modern konst med Bo Wennberg som chef. Året därpå tog Pontus Hultén över.

    Under Hulténs ledning blev Moderna ett av Europas viktigaste museer för modern konst. Men det var också något av stockholmarnas kulturhus, bland annat inspirerat av Stedelijk Museum i Amsterdam, med plats för film, musik, teater, happenings och modevisningar.

    Efter de första årens framgångar möttes Hultén av ett kulturpolitiskt motstånd mot slutet av 1960-talet. Hultén kritiserades för ointresse för den svenska konsten, för bristande politiskt engagemang och för att gå den amerikanska imperialismens ärenden.

    Den 26 april 2017 anordnade Samtidshistoriska institutet tillsammans med forskningsprojektet Levande arkiv: Pontus  Hultén på Moderna Museet (1957-73), fiansierat av Vetenskapsrådet och placerat vid ämnet Konstvetenskap, Södertörns högskola, ett vittnesseminarium om Pontus Hulténs tid på Moderna Museet.

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    Pontus Hultén på Moderna Museet: Vittnesseminarium Södertörns högskola, 26 april 2017
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  • 10.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Anders Sunna, Area Infected: Den större bilden2017In: Avtryck från ovanlandet = Contemporary art from Sápmi / [ed] Sofia Johansson, Umeå: BildMuseet , 2017Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 11.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Decolonial or Creolized Commons?: Sámi duodji in the expanded field2017In: Sámi Art and Aesthetics : Contemporary Perspectives / [ed] Svein Aamold; Elin Haugdal; Ulla Angkjær Jørgensen, Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2017, p. 141-162Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 12.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Wadstein MacLeod, Katarina
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Editorial2016In: Konsthistorisk Tidskrift, ISSN 0023-3609, E-ISSN 1651-2294, Vol. 85, no 3, p. 205-207Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Karlholm, Dan
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Functions of realist art in Sweden circa 1970: Lena Svedberg & Olle Kåks2016In: Baltic Worlds, ISSN 2000-2955, E-ISSN 2001-7308, Vol. IX, no 4, p. 70-82Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The concepts of social realism and new realism are developed in relation to the artworks of Lena Svedberg and Olle Kåks. A comparison between the artists’ uses of the concepts of social realism and function is presented. How the realist approach during the years around 1970 played out in the force field of society and the psyche, the collective realm and the individual, is exemplified by our two very different case studies. Svedberg’s political narratives compose mon-tages in which fictional, metaphorical figures are inserted side by side with political leaders drawn from newspaper clips. Kåks’s allegory-like oil painting shows a stone worker working in the face of his imminent disappearance. They both reveal myths as opposed to historically manifested commodity relations.

  • 14.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Wadstein MacLeod, KatarinaSödertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art. Konstfack.
    Kulturarv: att skapa historia för framtiden2015Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 15.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    När blir det svenska svenskt i det nationella kulturarvet?2015In: Kulturarv: att skapa historia för framtiden / [ed] Charlotte Bydler; Katarina Wadstein MacLeod, Stockholm: Axelius , 2015, p. 95-110Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 16.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Samisk-svenskt kulturarv2015In: Kulturarv: att skapa historia för framtiden / [ed] Charlotte Bydler; Katarina Wadstein MacLeod, Stockholm: Axelius , 2015, p. 121-141Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 17.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Art, geographies and values: thinking sámi contemporary art archipelagically2014In: Regionality/Mondiality: Perspectives on Art, Aesthetics and Globalization / [ed] Charlotte Bydler & Cecilia Sjöholm, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola , 2014, p. 153-171Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 18.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Sjöholm, Cecilia
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Aesthetics.
    Introduction2014In: Regionality/Mondiality: Perspectives on Art, Aesthetics and Globalization / [ed] Charlotte Bydler & Cecilia Sjöholm, Huddinge: Södertörns högskola , 2014, p. 9-20Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 19.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Sjöholm, CeciliaSödertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Aesthetics.
    Regionality/Mondiality: Perspectives on Art, Aesthetics and Globalization2014Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The title of this anthology, Regionality/Mondiality: Perspectives on Art, Aesthetics and Globalization, signals the regional dimension inherent in the globalization of the arts. Rejecting a comprehensive theory of globalization, the texts in this anthology instead circumscribe a situated understanding of the production and interpretation of the arts, which serves to condition cultural translatability. The texts of the anthology argue that cultural translatability should be considered through the concept of regionality, that is, the quality of being both territorially and relationally situated. Bypassing the abstract and politically charged category of “nationality,” regionality addresses human relations in and through the more tangible physical environment in and by which they are configured. As seen in the work on archipelagic thinking by the Martinican writer and philosopher Édouard Glissant, both the cultural and physical aspects of one’s immediate environment are used to articulate a form of self-understanding in the face of cultural and economic expansion, the particular character of which is indicated by the term mondiality. This concept derives from the French word for “world” or “people,” and thus affirms the fundamentally social and cultural character of experiences thought of as global. Each of the eleven contributions in this volume brings its own perspective on arts and aesthetics, producing world-views that still share a keen awareness of their partialness.

    The contributors are: Charlotte Bydler, J. Michael Dash, John Drabinski, Martin Svensson Ekström, Anthony Gardner and Charles Green, Christina Kullberg, Lisette Lagnado, André Lepecki, Patricia Lorenzoni, Cecilia Sjöholm, and Terry Smith.

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  • 20.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, History and Theory of Art.
    Revisiting the Past: A Brief Introduction to Nordic Art2014In: Nordic Contemporary: Art from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden / [ed] Hossein Amirsadeghi, London: Thames & Hudson, 2014, p. 10-19Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 21.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Communication, Art history.
    Global contemporary?: The global horizon of art events2010In: Globalization and Contemporary Art / [ed] Jonathan Harris, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell , 2010, p. 464-478Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 22.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Communication, Art history.
    Postkolonial klagan2008In: 00tal : litteratur, konst, samtidsdebatt, ISSN 1404-823X, Vol. 27, p. 58-61Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 23.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Communication, Art history.
    A local global art history2007In: Is art history global? / [ed] James Elkins, New York: Routledge, 2007, p. 316-322Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 24.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Communication, Art history.
    Hoppa hage2007In: Offentlig konst i Flemingsberg / [ed] Håkan Bull och Dan Karlholm, Huddinge: Huge fastigheter , 2007, p. 82-84Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 25.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Communication, Art history.
    Klingon och Dammen2007In: Offentlig konst i Flemingsberg / [ed] Håkan Bull och Dan Karlholm, Huddinge: Huge fastigheter , 2007, 1, p. 68-69Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 26.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Communication, Art history.
    Signora Canedottos VII:e sortering i XXVI:e uppordningen av all världens ting och företeelser2007In: Offentlig konst i Flemingsberg / [ed] Håkan Bull och Dan Karlholm, Huddinge: Huge fastigheter , 2007, p. 72-75Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 27.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University College, Institutionen för medier, konst och filosofi, Art history.
    Isaac Julien skuggboxas mot exotismens spöke2006In: Paletten, ISSN 0031-0352, Vol. 265, no 3, p. 26-33Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 28.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University College, Institutionen för medier, konst och filosofi, Art history.
    Pax Anglo-Americana: A plea for a cosmopolitan history of contemporary art2006In: Ethnic marketing / [ed] Tirdad Zolghadr, Zurich: JRP/Ringier , 2006Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 29.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Communication, Art history.
    Pengarnas ikonografi2006In: Ord och bild, ISSN 0030-4492, E-ISSN 1402-2508, no 5, p. 80-85Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 30.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University, Institutionen för medier, konst och filosofi, Art history.
    The Art world and the collected knowledge of the world’s art = Konstvärlden och det samlade vetandet om världens konst2005In: Samtidskonst för lärare och andra intresserade / [ed] Karin Malmquist, Matilda Olof-Ors, Stockholm: Lärarförbundets förlag , 2005Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 31. Bydler, Charlotte
    et al.
    Lira, Rodrigo Mallea
    Malm, Magdalena
    Svenska hjärtan: folkdräkt eller tvångströja?2004Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 32.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Södertörn University College, Institutionen för medier, konst och filosofi, Art history.
    The Global Art World Inc.: On the globalization of contemporary art2004Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This study examines certain segments of the art world-system in which geographical distances seemed to vanishing as a result of faster and more intense interaction levels. This particular art world-system has been conceptualized in contradictory ways. It has been called a “global village”, and has been seen as homogenized and diversified, as well as both expanding, and contracting. Experiences of mutual understanding and shared artistic values underly the possibilities of particular art world expanding. This premise was identified as a “western art concept”, so-called institutional art theory. However, the expectations of audiences, critics, and artists are changing. The widening cultural labour-market supplies new and unfamiliar historical references to the authoritative literature and artworks of the “western art concept”. I have sought out both shared and diverse authorities through case studies of contemporary art biennials held in Venice, Havana, Istanbul, and Kwangju, as well as the itinerant Manifesta. All of the above constitute an important labour-market for the increasing numbers of freelancing art world professionals.

    The thesis derived from these examples is that the identification of the art concept as a western phenomenon, which is based on claiming the origins and even the ownership of practices represented within historical (historicist) institutions, is untenable. The avant-garde art world, in contrast, attempts to globally break with art concepts. It seeks out resistance to art world discourse, that which sits on the walls of educational institutions, museums, and the knowledge represented therein. Art worlds, however, are connected regionally. They are not stable, and are even less identifiably western. It is thus difficult to historicize the art concept in order to create this resistance. Nevertheless, it may be legitimate to attempt this, in order to provide a means of inspection and comparison. Individuals within the art world-system are nevertheless interpelled as subjects of history in reference to institutionalized precedents. This calls for a re-writing of art history, taking into account multiple discontinuities instead of relying on chronology.

  • 33.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Uppsala universitet.
    Markerat kroppslig: Om fysiska möten med digital konst2003In: Från modernism till samtidskonst: Svenska kvinnliga konstnärer / [ed] Yvonne Eriksson & Anette Göthlund, Lund: Bokförlaget Signum, 2003, p. 129-154Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 34. Bydler, Charlotte
    Markerat kroppslig: Om fysiska möten med digital konst2003In: Från modernism till samtidskonst: svenska kvinnliga konstnärer / [ed] Yvonne Eriksson & Anette Göthlund, Lund: Bokförlaget Signum, 2003, p. 129-154Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 35. Bydler, Charlotte
    Möte i Marsvinsland = Encounter in Guineapigland2003In: Landskap = Landscape / [ed] Evalena Lidman, Kirse Junge-Stevnsborg, Helsingborg: Dunkers kulturhus , 2003Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 36. Bydler, Charlotte
    Fritt för forskning i konst?2002In: Hjärnstorm, ISSN 0348-6958, Vol. 76/77, p. 18-20Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 37. Bydler, Charlotte
    Cyberrymdens nybyggare2000In: Hjärnstorm, ISSN 0348-6958, Vol. 71/72, p. 36-47Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 38. Bydler, Charlotte
    De-koloniserade andra2000In: Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift, ISSN 0348-8365, no 2, p. 74-78Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 39. Bydler, Charlotte
    Konst, alkemi och Internet: en hemlig historia2000In: Konstperspektiv, ISSN 0347-4453, no 2, p. 24-25Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 40. Bydler, Charlotte
    Man + Space2000In: Nu. The Nordic Art Review, ISSN 1404-207X, no 3/4, p. -86Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 41. Bydler, Charlotte
    Brottsliga relationer1999In: Aftonbladet, ISSN 1103-9000, no 09/06Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 42. Bydler, Charlotte
    Hela sanningen och inget annat än sanningen: Ann Hamilton och USA på Venedigbiennalen1999In: Hjärnstorm, ISSN 0348-6958, no 67/68Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 43. Bydler, Charlotte
    The monster of memory1999In: Nu. The Nordic Art Review, ISSN 1404-207X, no 1, p. 66-71Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 44. Liljefors, Max
    et al.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Another Great Divide or the Same Old Culture in the Virtual City?1998In: S.CR.A.M. (Swedish Critical Art Magazine), ISSN 1403-1310, no 3, p. 8-11Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 45. Liljefors, Max
    et al.
    Bydler, Charlotte
    Speaking the new x 31998In: S.CR.A.M. (Swedish Critical Art Magazine), ISSN 1403-1310, no 3, p. 12-15Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 46. Bydler, Charlotte
    The artist in the age of post-colonial theory: Jamelie Hassan according to Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak1998In: Art Orbit, Vol. 1Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 47. Bydler, Charlotte
    et al.
    Sahlström, Berit
    Afrika och världen1996In: Upsala Nya Tidning, ISSN 1104-0173, no 07/04Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 48. Bydler, Charlotte
    Douglas Gordons ...head och döden.1996In: Hjärnstorm, ISSN 0348-6958, no 56/57, p. 110-113Article in journal (Other academic)
1 - 48 of 48
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