This study compares the animated television series which started in 2003 titled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to the source material, the comic book series also titled Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles which started in 1984. This study is based on a collection of major story arcs which the comic book series and the television series have in common for the purpose of being as extensive as possible. The purpose of this study is to understand how the changes made in the adaptation process changes the nature of the story arcs and to understand why some of the changes were made. This has been accomplished by building on the theories of remediation, thematic transformation, fidelity, story structure and mass appeal. The methods used were comparative analysis, story analysis and thematic analysis. The concluding statements are that the changes were primarily made for the purpose of appealing to a younger audience, improve the structure of the story arcs and to accommodate for time constraints.