What digital literacy is needed for writing a 'study blog' on the criminology course?
2016 (English)In: Theory, application, analysis: Studies in systemic functional linguistics / [ed] Marta Filipe Alexandre and Carlos A. M. Gouveia, Lisbon: BonD & CELGA-ILTEC , 2016, p. 345-363Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]
This article reports on a study investigating the digital literacy context on a distance course in criminology, at a Swedish university[1]. The aim is to explore if and how students and teachers ”build” a context for the participation and writing through their use of the VLE and discussions over the platform´s chat room. Drawing on Macken- Horarik (1996) and Macken-Horarik et. al. (2006), the study analyses the digital writing among both students and teachers on one hand, and the design of the VLE on the other.
The study is a part of the project WIDE ”Writing to learn in a Digital Environment” 2010-12, financed by The Swedish Research Council. Project members, in addition of the author: Ola Knutsson, Petter Karlström, Tessy Ceratto, Dep. of Computer Science, Stockholm University and Mona Blåsjö, Dep. of Scandinavian Languages, Stockholm University. Some of the quotations from the student-teacher communication in the article will also be found in Knutsson et.al. (2012).
One point of departure is that virtual learning platforms (VLEs) offer an arena for a major focus on writing, compared to oral communication in for example traditional seminars. Another point of departure is that the VLE, among other digital tools, gives us a perhaps new learning situation, for example a different student-teacher relation concerning knowledge and control of the tools in use.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lisbon: BonD & CELGA-ILTEC , 2016. p. 345-363
Keywords [en]
systemic functional linguistics, education, writing, digital learning environments
Keywords [sv]
systemisk-funktionell lingvistik, utbildning, skrivande, digitala lärmiljöer
National Category
Languages and Literature Educational Sciences
Research subject
Other research area
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-31825ISBN: 978-989-8060-16-7 (print)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:sh-31825DiVA, id: diva2:1067687
38th International Systemic Functional Linguistics Congress. July 25-29 2011, Faculdad de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
WIDE. Writing to learn in a digital environment
Swedish Research Council2017-01-232017-01-232024-06-26Bibliographically approved