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Title [sv]
Att arbeta på sitt andraspråk: språkliga praktiker i arbetslivet och design av yrkesanpassade språkutbildningar
Title [en]
Working in a second language: literacy practices and educational models designed for professional contexts
Abstract [sv]
Projektet analyserar yrkesspråk och kurser i yrkessvenska för nyanlända, med det övergripande målet att ge vetenskapligt grundade rekommendationer till hur yrkesutbildningar i svenska ska bedrivas. Svenskt arbetsliv präglas mer än någonsin av flerspråkighet: Behovet av effektiv språkutbildning är stort. Samtidigt saknas till stor del kunskap om vuxnas andraspråksinlärning i relation till yrkeslivet; vad innebär det att behärska ett yrkesspråk? Hur kan detta tränas på bästa sätt i undervisning och praktik? Kunskapen är viktig för att människor inte ska fortsätta förlora sin professionella kompetens och identitet, och för att samhället inte ska förlora arbetskraft och kunskap inom områden där detta saknas.Studien rör 2 yrkesgrupper: nyanlända läkare respektive nyanlända inom kommunens yttre underhåll. I ett första steg undersöks språkliga krav i arbetslivet genom etnografiska observationer av hur yrkesverksamma talar, läser och skriver på jobbet. I fokus står den språkkompetens som behövs för att delta i yrkets nyckelsituationer. Även intervjuer genomförs. I ett andra steg studeras två kurser i yrkessvenska, knutna till respektive verksamhet, för att se den lärandepotential som erbjuds deltagarna. Såväl kursmaterial och undervisning som praktik studeras.Projektet ger kunskaper om arbetslivets förutsättningar och gynnar branscher med hög andel invandrare, men också enskilda individer som immigrerar. Till språkvetenskapen bidrar projektet genom att belysa relationen mellan allmänspråk och yrkesspråk, samt genom att öka kunskapen om hur vuxna utvecklar ett andraspråk under utbildning och praktik. Under det sista året omsätts resultaten i utformandet av ett antal centrala element i en kursmodell, som lyfter fram ny kunskap om utveckling av ett andraspråk i relation till yrkeslivet. Bland annat avser vi problematisera och konkretisera begreppet individanpassning, som ofta används i dagens styrdokument, för att visahur detta kan förstås språkvetenskapligt och didaktiskt.
Abstract [en]
How do second language speakers cope with literacy and communicative practices in the workplace? How do we best design educational programs in Swedish as a second language with a focus on an upcoming professional life? The Swedish labour market is facing new challenges, with a higher number of second language speakers than ever. There is a strong need for more effective, tailor-made language educations, aiming at preparing for a working life in Swedish. At the same time, research on second language acquisition does not focus on this transition from classroom to workplace, nor does it offer sufficient knowledge on how adults aquire a second language most effectively - through participating in a workplace setting, through classroom studies or in other ways? Empirical data from participant observations, semi-structured interviews and a collection of texts from two workplace settings will answer questions on what literacy demands the full participant have to master to participate. Similar data from two educational settings will answer questions how the educations meet actual literacy demands from the work setting and how they customized to meet theparticipants on an individual level. The target groups are two groups of newly arrived professionals, medical doctors and maintenance personnel, participating in programs combining language training and workplace practice. Results will be used to create more well designed educational programs and increase workplace satisfaction. Also, results will in the future support other sectors as well, through more knowledge about both professional literacies and second language acquisition for adult speakers. This will benefit the individual newcomer as well as society as a whole. The project has a strong feasability regarding access to data and already established partnerships within the health care sector, the municipal project for maintenance personnel and the language schools. Some empirical data is already collected.
Publications (2 of 2) Show all publications
Söderlundh, H. & Eklund Heinonen, M. (2023). The Door You Can Walk Through to Society: Social Inclusion and Belonging in Vocational Programmes for Immigrants. Social Inclusion, 11(4), 58-68
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Door You Can Walk Through to Society: Social Inclusion and Belonging in Vocational Programmes for Immigrants
2023 (English)In: Social Inclusion, E-ISSN 2183-2803, Vol. 11, no 4, p. 58-68Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This article presents a qualitative, empirical study of two educational programmes for immigrants that integrate languageinstruction and vocational training. In the context of migration, social inclusion is often conceptualised as access to socialcapital. Proficiency in the national language is considered key for employment and fast integration into working life hasbecome a primary goal in Swedish migration policies. This article examines the two programmes from the perspectiveof inclusion into an (imagined) future professional community of practice (CoP), focusing specifically on the participants’possibilities to invest in a professional linguistic repertoire. The article is dedicated to empirical analyses and positive factors,recognising the need for research. Data consists of interviews with students and teachers, observations, and videorecordings of course activities. Organisational aspects of the courses, such as the teachers’ backgrounds and the courses’proximity to future CoPs, as well as relational aspects of the learning environments, are considered essential for the participants’inclusion in a future professional CoP. Analyses of the programmes’ content demonstrate that participants areassumed to lack context‐specific, vocational knowledge, including professionally related vocabulary. The article contributesto knowledge on how inclusion can be managed in practice in educational settings for adult immigrants and promotesan understanding of how vocationally adapted courses can assist immigrants in becoming members of a future professionalCoP.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Cogitatio Press, 2023
adult learning, community of practice, inclusion, migration, second language learning
National Category
Learning General Language Studies and Linguistics Specific Languages
Research subject
Studies in the Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-52545 (URN)10.17645/si.v11i4.7087 (DOI)001089851100007 ()2-s2.0-85175188967 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2023-10-25 Created: 2023-10-25 Last updated: 2024-07-04Bibliographically approved
Hållsten, S., Eklund Heinonen, M. & Söderlundh, H. (2022). Individualization in vocational training for immigrants: Developing professionalism and language through feedback. In: Lázaro Moreno Herrera; Marianne Teräs; Petros Gougoulakis; Janne Kontio (Ed.), Migration and Inclusion in Work Life: The Role of VET (pp. 267-306). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlas
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Individualization in vocational training for immigrants: Developing professionalism and language through feedback
2022 (English)In: Migration and Inclusion in Work Life: The Role of VET / [ed] Lázaro Moreno Herrera; Marianne Teräs; Petros Gougoulakis; Janne Kontio, Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlas, 2022, p. 267-306Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This chapter addresses vocationally adjusted language courses in Swedish for adult immigrants. We focus on individualisation, which is stipulated in the curriculum and other syllabus documents, and argue that individually adapted feedback could be considered a tool (out of several potential tools) for “doing” individualisation in a pedagogical practice. We discuss different understandings of individualisation in policy documents and research literature, and define individualisation as an educational practice in teaching, carried through in dialogue. In an empirical study, we apply the definition by analysing feedback sequences in video recordings from two vocational courses (designed for outdoor maintenance workers and medical doctors, respectively) using the linguistic method of interaction analysis. We demonstrate (1) how individualisation in terms of feedback is managed in interaction involving teacher and students, and (2) the vocational and linguistic skills that materialise as important for the individual students in these feedback sequences. Our results demonstrate that feedback is a functional educational tool for individualisation, providing learning opportunities for both language acquisition and professional knowledge. However, this requires authentic assignments that are designed to promote opportunities for more developed dialogues. Another conclusion is that a professional experienced teacher who can provide feedback on both professional skills and language use is particularly important. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlas, 2022
Emerging issues in research on vocational education and training ; 7
adult learning, workplace education and training, migration, individualization, feedback, interaction analysis
National Category
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-48409 (URN)978-91-7445-023-1 (ISBN)
Forte, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare, STYA-2019/0004/2019-00712
Available from: 2022-02-15 Created: 2022-02-15 Last updated: 2024-06-26Bibliographically approved
Principal InvestigatorHållsten, Stina
Co-InvestigatorSöderlundh, Hedda
Co-InvestigatorEklund Heinonen, Maria
Coordinating organisation
Södertörn University
2020-01-01 - 2022-12-31
National Category
DiVA, id: project:2069Project, id: 2019-00712_Forte

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