Open this publication in new window or tab >>2021 (English)In: Territory, State and Nation: The Geopolitics of Rudolf Kjellén / [ed] Ragnar Björk; Thomas Lundén, New York: Berghahn Books, 2021, p. 11-26Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
New York: Berghahn Books, 2021
Geopolitics, Political Science, Political Geography, Rudolf Kjellén
National Category
Political Science
Research subject
Politics, Economy and the Organization of Society
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-46313 (URN)10.1515/9781800730731-004 (DOI)978-1-80073-072-4 (ISBN)978-1-80073-073-1 (ISBN)
2021-09-012021-09-012024-05-20Bibliographically approved