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The aim of this paper is to analyse how subject, gender and sexuality is constructed in the book Dårfinkar & dönickar (1984), by Ulf Stark. In relation to this I have also analysed how the main character, Simone, develops from being a child into becoming a teenager.
Queertheory is the theoretical basis of this paper. Queer theory questions heteronormativity and aims to dissolve conceptions and notions that function in an excluding and limiting way. Queer theory also questions conceptions that seem obvious and/or natural, for example “woman”/”man” and “homo-/heterosexuality”.
I have chosen to focus the analysis on a number key events in the book and they are categorised according to Tiina Rosenberg`s three dramaturgic concepts: transformation, unveiling and restoration. I have also focused on how masculinities are constructed and to be able to this I have used R. W Connel`s theory. The result of my analysis is that the representation of gender in the book are constructed in accordance to the heterosexual matrix. It is also clear that Simone`s development from childhood to teenager follows Rosenberg`s three dramaturgic concepts.
The purpose of this study is to analyze how homosexuality is portrayed in young- adult novels. I use books published in Sweden from 1977- 2003. Three of the books have female main characters and the other three have male main characters. My purpose is therefore to compare the different results between the sexes.
I will examine and discuss the homosexuality in the novels with focus on the homosexual identity of the young characters and how it is formed. I relate the results to a queer discussion about identity. My results show that there has been a development in how the homosexuality of the main characters is portrayed; the majority of the late works describe homosexuality as socially constructed and not biological.
Was passiert eigentlich mit Literatur, d.h. mit AutorInnen, ProtagonistInnen und Romanhandlungen, wenn sie neuenKonstruktionen im Rezeptionsprozess ausgesetzt werden? Vor allem, welche Gender-Codes und Gender-Konzepte tretendabei zu Tage? Diesen Fragen ist Christine Frisch am Beispielvon Liza Marklund und Henning Mankell nachgegangen. Sie hatdafür ein umfangreiches Material analysiert, deutschsprachigeRezeptionstexte, die zum einen dem Netz entnommen sind,zum anderen traditionellen Quellen, also Zeitungen undZeitschriften, entstammen.
Vilken betydelse har kläderna på den offentliga scenen? Vad betyder gesterna: handen på höften; sättet att hålla tygeln; de sammanbitna käkarna? Denna bok är en historisk färd i mundering och kroppsspråk från 1500-talet till våra dagar. Om bakomliggande signarer, iskalla beräkningar, orimliga aspirationer, lydnad och revolt.
Boken tar upp den anspråkslösa dräkten som förenar präster, sjuksköterskor, kända krigarkungar och uniformsbesatta SA-trupper. Boken tar också upp grupper som har tagit chansen att låta sitt yttre bli till ett konstverk. Det gäller 1500-talets legosoldater, filmskådespelare av båda könen och några av våra mest kända målare, här i helfigur.