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  • 1. Abels, Gabriele
    et al.
    Braun, Kathrin
    Kulawik, Teresa
    Södertörn University, Avdelning 3, Gender studies.
    Feministisch-politologische Perspektiven auf Biomedizinpolitik: Einleitung2003In: Österrreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, ISSN 1615-5548, Vol. 32, no 2, p. 125-136Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [de]

    PolitologInnen sind in der gegenwärtigen kontroversen Debatte zur Biomedizinpolitik sowohl mit wissenschaftlichen Analysen als auch als ExpertInnen in einschlägigen Beratungsgremien erstaunlich abwesend. Dabei könnte die Politikwissenschaft mit ihren unterschiedlichen Teildisziplinen wichtige Beiträge zur Erforschung von Biomedizinpolitik leisten. Für das Fehlen kann ein Bündel von Faktoren identifiziert werden, von der Spezifik des Politikfeldes über methodologische und theoretische Orientierungen der Politikwissenschaft bis hin zu wissenschaftspolitischen Motiven. Ein zentraler Grund ist die Überschneidung dreier Themen- und Problemfelder, die im politikwissenschaftlichen Mainstream tendenziell als außerpolitisch gelten und/ oder in unzureichender Weise theoretisch erfasst sind: Körper, Ethik und Naturwissenschaften/ Technologie. Feministische Politikwissenschaft ist in verschiedener Hinsicht für die Analyse von Biomedizinpolitik besser gerüstet, da sie mit der Analyse von Körperpolitik und mit normativen Fragen Erfahrungen hat.' (Autorenreferat)

  • 2.
    Abiala, Kristina
    Södertörn University, School of Sociology and Contemporary History, Institute of Contemporary History.
    The republic of Moldova: Prostitution and trafficking in women2006In: International Approaches to Prostitution: Law and Policy in Europe and Asia / [ed] Geetanjali Gangoli & Nicole Westmarland, Bristol: Policy Press, 2006, p. 91-111Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 3.
    Abiala, Kristina
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Världens mest jämställda land?2014In: Det långa 1990-talet: när Sverige förändrades / [ed] Ivarsson Westerberg, Anders, Waldemarson, Ylva, Östberg, Kjell, Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag, 2014, 1, p. 319-351Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 4.
    Abiala, Kristina
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, Institute of Contemporary History.
    Young Moldovan Women at the Crossroads: Between Patriarchy and Transnational Labour Markets2014In: The Sea of Identities: A Century of Baltic and East European Experiences with Nationality, Class, and Gender / [ed] Götz, Norbert, Huddinge: Södertörn University , 2014, p. 269-289Chapter in book (Refereed)
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    Young Moldovan Women at the Crossroads: Between Patriarchy and Transnational Labour Markets
  • 5.
    Adebrink, Fanny
    et al.
    Södertörn University College, School of Gender, Culture and History.
    Nilsson, Sarah
    Södertörn University College, School of Gender, Culture and History.
    Jämställdhetsplan och informell jämställdhet på en politisk arbetsplats2008Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Magister), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    During the fall of 2007 we have carried out an investigative work in a workplace connected to politics and an elected political assembly. Our investigation started with a survey being sent out to all employees. The results of this survey allowed us to formulate the precise aim of the study: to investigate how gender equality work can continue and also evolve in a workplace that seems to already have an established gender equality work. As a part of fulfilling our aim we asked the question how the informal gender equality may appear and whether it can be related to the equal opportunities and diversity plan of the workplace? Throughout the investigation we used a gender theory perspective and applied theories concerning gender coding, informal networks, gender segregation and resistance against equality. Apart from the survey, qualitative interviews and field observation were used. We found that the equal opportunity and diversity plan had a relatively low status, which might be connected to the fact that it tended to be placed outside the overall gender equality discussion. This could be a result of workers already perceiving the workplace as “gender equal”. One reason for this could be that the equal opportunities and diversity plan is not adequately focusing on the gender equal related problems that are described as mostly informal. Examples of informal gender equality problems are: informal networks, division of labor based on gender and the differences in status thereof. Another example is the imbalance between the sexes considering verbal communication in public arenas. Despite the fact that the workplace already has an established gender equality work there is still work to be done. Gender equality is an ongoing process and we find that the workplace has a good chance to face these above-mentioned ongoing challenges.

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  • 6. Adeniji, Anna
    Alla säger I Love You: om orden som gör känslor och känsliga formuleringar2007In: Bang : feministisk kulturtidskrift, ISSN 1102-4593, no 3, p. 91-93Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Artikeln handlarom hur orden "jag älskar dig" respektive "I love you" får betydelse både personligt, socialt och politiskt. Exempel hämtas från tv-serierna "Förhäxad" och "Sex and the City" och författaren resonerar kring hur orden skapar affektiva betydelser i kropp och genuspositioner. 

  • 7.
    Adeniji, Anna
    Södertörn University College, School of Gender, Culture and History, Gender studies.
    Därför gifter sig feminister2009In: Arena, ISSN 1652-0556, no 5, p. 40-43Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 8.
    Adeniji, Anna
    Linköpings universitet.
    Inte den typ som gifter sig?: feministiska samtal om äktenskapsmotstånd2008Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den här avhandlingen undersöker frågan om äktenskapsmotstånd i dagens svenska samhälle, media och kultur. Boken belyser olika sätt att uttrycka äktenskapsmotstånd och vad det betyder att formulera feministisk kritik av normerande familjevärderingar.

    Undersökningen baseras på etnografi och kritisk kulturanalys och granskar synen på äktenskap, relationer och familj som ett kulturellt imaginärt fält. Det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer med kvinnor som inte har velat gifta sig, liksom ett brett material från tv, webbsidor, dagstidningar, skvallerpress och bloggar.

    I avhandlingen genomförs och presenteras en feministisk metodologisk process, grundat i akademiskt kreativt och självreflexivt skrivande. Detta innebär att skrivprocessen, textformatet, liksom minnesarbete, olika intervjutekniker och andra kreativa analytiska praktiker är en del av det metodologiska ramverket.

    De teoretiska perspektiven som ligger till grund för denna studie består av flera feministiska strömningar: radikalfeminism, queerfeminism, liberealfeminism, anarkafeminism och ett socialt rättviseperspektiv. De belyser, på olika sätt, intersektioner mellan äktenskap, genus, sexualitet, nationalitet, klass och makt. En gemensam utgångspunkt är att identitetskategorier, möjligheter att agera liksom vår plats i världen är konstruerade av maktrelationer och normativa föreställningar om genus. Dessa perspektiv tillhandahåller analytiska verktyg för att diskutera och dekonstruera kulturella föreställningar om äktenskap och äktenskapsmotstånd.

  • 9.
    Adeniji, Anna
    Södertörn University, School of Gender, Culture and History, Gender studies.
    "Jag har aldrig sett dig som svart": Anna Adeniji läser Sara Ahmed2010In: Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, ISSN 1654-5443, E-ISSN 2001-1377, no 1-2, p. 83-87Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 10. Adeniji, Anna
    När Brad och Angelina inte ville gifta sig: en berättelse om heterosexuell melankoli och politiska beslut i vardagen2007In: Bang : feministisk kulturtidskrift, ISSN 1102-4593, no 1, p. 39-41Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

     Artikelnhandlar om skvallerpressens representation av celebriteterna BradPitt och Angelina Jolie, och hur deras icke-gifta status producerarmoralpanik och genusproblem i den populärkulturellaheteronormativiteten. Artikeln tar också upp "äktenskapsfrågan" ien svensk kontext och hur frågan om äktenskapsmotstånd glömts bortav feminismen.  

  • 11. Adeniji, Anna
    Ordningsstörande begär: biteori som kritik av antropologisk sexualitetsforskning2001Book (Other academic)
  • 12. Adeniji, Anna
    Ordningsstörande begär: biteori som kritik av antropologisk sexualitetsforskning2001In: Lambda Nordica, ISSN 1100-2573, E-ISSN 2001-7286, Vol. 5, no 1/2, p. 54-69Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Adeniji, Anna
    Södertörn University College, School of Gender, Culture and History, Gender studies.
    [Recension av] Tove Ingebjørg Fjell: Å si til meningen med livet? En kulturvitenskapelig analyse av barnfrihet2010In: Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, ISSN 0809-6341, E-ISSN 1891-1781, no 1, p. 175-179Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 14.
    Adeniji, Anna
    Södertörn University College, School of Gender, Culture and History, Gender studies.
    The royal wedding as true love story: emotional politics intersecting culture, nationalism, modernity and heteronormality2010In: GEXcel work in progress report. Vol. 8: Proceedings from GEXcel theme 10 : Love in our time - a question for feminism : spring 2010 / [ed] Sofia Strid, Anna G. Jónasdóttir, Linköping: Linköping University , 2010, Vol. S. 85-92, p. 85-92Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 15.
    af Burén, Ann
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, The Study of Religions.
    Minnet av min kropp i grottklostret i Kiev2020In: Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, ISSN 1654-5443, E-ISSN 2001-1377, Vol. 41, no 3, p. 73-82Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 16. af Petersens, Lovisa
    Klokt tal af kloka kvinnor: En kort presentation av Kvinnokonferensen i Stockholm 18972001In: Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift, ISSN 0348-8365, Vol. 22, no 2, p. 47-52Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 17.
    Afrim, Gabriel
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education.
    Hur porträtteras kvinnan i läroböcker inom ämnet religionskunskap?: En undersökning av läroböcker för årskurs 4–62020Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this research is to analyze how women are being portrayed through a gender perspective in three different textbooks. The purpose also includes a comparison between existing research in this field and this specific research to analyze whether there are any inequities between one another. The results that will be presented will answers the following issues:

    1. In what way are women being portrayed in text?

    2. In what way are women being portrayed through image?

    3. Are there any patterns between these four textbooks that can be distinguished, and if so, what are they?

    The methods that had been used to complete this study involved a quantitative and qualitative study. In addition, an image analysis has also been used to further stretch and resolve the issues. The result shows that women are portrayed as subordinate and less important in the textbooks that are being used in schools today, both in text and image. Yet some newer and modern textbooks do not favor women through a gender perspective.

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  • 18.
    Aghed Luterkort, Ellen
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education.
    Den språkliga konstruktionen av prostitution och sexköp: En kritisk diskurs analys om hur de som säljer och köper sex konstrueras språkligt av svenska myndigheter och RFSU2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien har som syfte att undersöka hur regeringen, Socialstyrelsen, Jämställdhetsmyndigheten och RFSU språkligt konstruerar bilden av prostitution och sexköp. Studien gör detta genom att analysera vilka språkliga benämningar aktörerna använder sig av för att beskriva prostitution och sexköp, och hur de språkligt konstruerar de som säljer och köper sex. Studien använder sig av den kritiska diskursanalysen och den ideationella metafunktionen som teoretiska utgångspunkter. I analysen görs en transitivitetsanalys utifrån den ideationella metafunktionen där texter från aktörerna utgör analysmaterialet. 

    Studiens resultat visar att aktörerna frekvent använder ett könsneutralt språk när de konstruerar de som säljer och köper sex, och det finns en marknadsdiskurs som dominerar i den språkliga konstruktionen av prostitution och sexköp. Det finns också en övergripande feministisk diskurs och nyliberal diskurs som kommer fram i texterna. Studiens övergripande slutsats är att de som säljer sex borde konstrueras som kvinnor och de som köper sex som män i större utsträckning, för att synliggöra hur prostitution och sexköp hänger samman med den ojämställda maktordningen mellan män och kvinnor. 

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  • 19.
    Ahlgren, Thea
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Fjärilar i bärnsten och det eviga flickskapet: om flickvinnans omöjliga åldrande och skeva begär hos Sara Stridsberg2023Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this study is to address how “skevt” [skewed] girlhood is constructed in relation to age, time, and sexuality in three literary works of the Swedish author Sara Stridsberg: the novel Darling River (2010), the play Konsten att falla (2017) and the short story Tre systrar (2021). In the study, I pose the following questions: How is the skewed girlhood portrayed in relation to constructions of time and age? How does the construction of skewed femininity interact with the construction of sexual practice and sexual desires?

        I use the term “skev” – a Scandinavian variation and hybrid of queer – to address how the girlhood is subverted in the texts, as well as to analyze how this not only occurs in relation to heteronormativity, but also within it. To explore this, I work with “skeva” [skewed] readings of the texts. My analysis is based on “skev” [skew] theory and queer temporality, through which I illustrate how the characters of the three literary works are challenging normative assumptions of girlhood and femininity, by performing gender and age as well as sexuality in non-normative ways. I discuss the girl’s bedroom as a form of heterotopia, in which both time and ageing are constructed in a skewed way. Furthermore, I locate a “skev” [skewed] temporality in the texts, connected to an absence of futurity. 

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  • 20.
    Ahlsén, Agnes
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education.
    Straight Línea: A phenomenological approach to women's response to piropos in contemporary Havana2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis investigates women's feelings on being subjected to piropos (catcalling) in their everyday lives. Through interviews with four Cuban women living in Havana, I analyse women's experiences of piropos through a phenomenological lens and through speech theory, investigating how norms surrounding sexualities and gender are materialised in and between language, bodies and spaces. I also investigate which acts of resistance and defence mechanisms my interviewees employ in order to cope with piropos. The first part of the analysis investigates the gendered dimensions of piropos, discussing how it constitutes gendered subject positions while enforcing gender inequality. My interviewees describe how being subjected to piropos makes them feel more feminine and links the occurrence of piropos directly to their self-esteem. They also describe how the occurrence of piropos conditions their possibility to move freely around the city. In the second part of the analysis I look at piropos as a heterosexual game in which different rules apply depending on gender. Lastly, this thesis focuses on my interviewees' accounts of resistance by analysing silence as well as verbal responses to piropos as a way of breaking the rules of the heterosexual game.

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  • 21.
    Akboga, Dilan
    et al.
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education.
    Hanna, Maryam
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education.
    Flicka, pojke och transpersoner: En textanalys av tre läseböcker ur ett genusperspektiv för grundskolans mellanår2017Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Primary school in Sweden has an important task to counteract traditional gender patterns and promote equality. The purpose of this study is to investigate how three fiction books portray girls and women as well as boys and men. The three chosen books are Rodrick regerar Dagbok för alla mina fans (2009), Glasbarnen (2012) and Det är jag som är Mickan (2015). This thesis will review whether the books were compatible with the national curriculum for Swedish school for the grade 1-9. To support our investigation, we have used Hirdman’s gender theory as a framework. Hirdman’s gender theory concerns the intersection of the gender and the hierarchy where the male is displayed as the norm. The study was executed with a qualitative text analysis. The results show that only two of the three chosen books correspond to the current curriculum requirements of counteracting traditional gender patterns. The third book promotes rather than counteracts traditional gender patterns as it still assigns more traditional characteristics and actions to boys, men, girls and women depending on gender. These results are evidence of and suggest that it is important to review the material we use for educational purposes because there are books that describe boys and girls in an unfair behavior, therefore this requires discussing the norms that is conveyed in the students’ fiction books.

  • 22.
    Albury, Kath
    et al.
    Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
    Stardust, Zahra
    Queensland University of Technology, Queensland, Australia.
    Sundén, Jenny
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Queer and feminist reflections on sextech2023In: Sexual and reproductive health matters, E-ISSN 2641-0397, Vol. 31, no 4, article id 2246751Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 23.
    Alinia, Minoo
    Uppsala universitet.
    Gendered experiences of homeland, identity and belonging among the Kurdish diaspora2014In: Negotiating Identities in Scandinavia: Women, Migration, and the Diaspora / [ed] Akman, Haci, New York: Berghahn Books, 2014, p. 109-124Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 24.
    Alinia, Minoo
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences, Social Work.
    White ignorance, race, and feminist politics in Sweden2020In: Ethnic and Racial Studies, ISSN 0141-9870, E-ISSN 1466-4356, Vol. 43, no 16, p. 249-267Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article discusses the Swedish government's policy document on a feminist policy to reduce and prevent men's violence against women. Permeated by racial ignorance and politics of difference this document systematically and consistently excludes and ignores racial and ethnic power structures and their consequences in migrant minorities' daily lives and experience. The article raises questions about why some knowledge is silenced or abandoned while some is embraced and encouraged. Within a wider intersectional framework, and through critical race theory and ignorance studies, it investigates the knowledge produced in the government document and the way it reproduces, maintains, and normalizes racial otherness and social exclusion.

  • 25.
    Al-Malki Gunnarsson, Nadja
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Missing people: En kvalitativ text- och bildanalys om representation och vithetsnormer på omslagen av Kommunalarbetaren år 20172020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this essay is to examine how racialized workers are represented in the magazine Kommunalarbetaren which is a part of the Swedish trade union Kommunal. The covers from twenty issues of this magazine published in 2017 were analyzed to study if the representation of these workers was affected by discourses of white normativity. The study is based on theories of intersectionality by Kimberlé Crenshaw and representations and stereotypification by Stuart Hall. My result shows how work is exposed as something white people do and with dichotomies where one is represented as either white, Swedish worker or as a refugee, the latter having vague subject position and as someone who recently arrived in Sweden. The presence, participation and labour of people of color seem to be missing and be a blind spot for the magazine. 

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    Missing people - En kvalitativ text- och bildanalys om representation och vithetsnormer på omslagen av Kommunalarbetaren år 2017. Al-Malki, Nadja
  • 26.
    Andersson, C.
    et al.
    Malmö University, Sweden.
    Carlström, Charlotta
    Södertörn University, School of Historical and Contemporary Studies, The Study of Religions.
    Swedish poly utopia: Dreams, revolutions, and crushed hopes2022In: Sexualities, ISSN 1363-4607, E-ISSN 1461-7382Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Polyamory means having a sexual and/or intimate relationship with more than one person at a time. In this study, we use in-depth interviews with 22 persons in Sweden who have experience of polyamorous or non-monogamous relationships to explore how polyamory can include imagining utopian relationships and spaces. Thematic analysis was done which indicated narratives of politically invested attempts to create communal living or societal change that resists capitalist and heteronormative nuclear-family arrangements as well as stories of everyday events that do not explicitly involve political ambitions. The range of utopian dreams and practices of the non-monogamous participants in our study, we argue, are examples of what Muñoz calls concrete utopias, filled with joy and laden with disappointment in the face of potentiality and reality.

  • 27.
    Andersson, Emilia
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences.
    Bojackly, Sandra
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences.
    Kvinnors möjligheter till avancemang på arbetsplatser med en jämn intern könsfördelning: En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors karriärmöjligheter och dess effekter på kvinnors självbild2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Sweden is considered as one of the European Union's most equal countries where women and men should have equal opportunities at the labor market. The Gender Equality Act and the Discrimination Act have been enacted to promote equal rights for women and men and to prevent gender segregation at the labor market and in workplaces. Despite these laws, there are still differences in career development between women and men. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how women at different workplaces experience their opportunities for advancement, women's assumptions of strategies for dealing with inequality and how women's self-image has been affected as a result of their experiences. The empirical material is based on seven semi-structured interviews analyzed through Chodorow's theory the reproduction of mothering to analyze the reproduction of gender norms and Bergman's description of vertical and internal segregation. The results of the study show that women experience barriers to advancement and career development at their workplaces based on their gender, which has further contributed to the adoption of strategies to gain legitimacy. These experiences have contributed to a negative impact on women's self-image which has manifested in constant questioning of women's competence and capability at work based on traditional norms.

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  • 28.
    Andersson, Emmie
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences.
    Jämställdhet och jämlikhet i den svenska riksdagspolitiken: En studie om vilken form av lika villkor mellan kön som produceras inom vänsterdiskursen2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study has been to investigate the possible formation of a new leftdiscourse on the consept of equality regarding the context of "equal conditions between sexes". To find answers to this, a discourse analysis was carried out based on the theoretical framework of discourse theory and the linguistic tropics metonymy and metaphor. Vänsterpartiet has stood as a representative of the leftdiscourse and their pronounced opposite, the "right" has been used to define the leftdiscourse. The analysismaterial has above all consisted of partyleader debates, partyleaders speeches in Almedalen, parliamentary motions and election manifesto from the election movements in 2014 and 2018. The result shows a change from 2014 to 2018 in the leftdiscourse. The left-wing exchange rate failed to articulate a class analysis through the concept of gender equality and 2018 now including the majority of political demands for "equal terms between sexes" during the left equalitydiscourse. The result shows that the left-hand scale appears to create a new equalitydiscourse that includes more requirements regarding the context of "equal conditions between sexes" and as collections as described as an increased class distinctions community in Sweden. The conclution is that within the leftdiscourse gender equality, requires equality.

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  • 29.
    Andersson, Hanna
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Realitystjärnornas kamp att kombinera karriär och familj: En jämförande kritisk diskursanalys av Kim Kardashian West och Fredrik Eklund i postfeministisk Reality TV2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study analyses how Kim Kardashian West’s and Fredrik Eklund’s depiction of family and career and the relationship there between are constructed as successful in their Reality TV shows Keeping Up With the Kardashians (2007-) and Million Dollar Listing New York (2011-). It is examined in a postfeminist media climate with the theoretical frameworks of Chrononormativity (Freeman 2010) and Queer Kinship Theory (Butler 2002), considering the intersections of gender, sexuality and class, via a critical discourse analysis. The study shows a chrononormative ideal where a successful career and big biological family, through free choices, are vital to become respectable adults. Their careers are built upon their private lives and their heteronormative families. Childcaring is constructed as feminine and can for masculine subjects be outsourced to servants. It is constructed as relatively unproblematic to outsource childbearing to a surrogate mother.

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  • 30.
    Andersson Idén, Sara
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Sökes: lång man, liten kvinna: En studie om heterosexualitetens villkor i Gift vid första ögonkastet2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This bachelor thesis examines how terms of heterosexuality are negotiated within the Swedish reality show Gift vid första ögonkastet (Married at first sight), which is presented as a social experiment where strangers marry each other and go on to live together for four weeks. The couples are matched by four experts (two psychologists, one sexologist and one couple’s counsellor), and their roles as professionals and distributors of knowledge are the main focus of this study as it permeates how the terms are negotiated by the six participants. By applying queer theories such as the heterosexual matrix, performativity and temporality, the terms are identified as monogamy, height difference, desire, emotional labour, and equality. These are analysed using the three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis, while also adopting its framework for ideological power to examine how the experts use their position to give way for their interpretations of relationships, love and gender.

    The findings conclude that the programme works within a discourse of gender equality to support its own eligibility and does not challenge heterosexual ideals but rather furthers them by offering the heteronormative idea of monogamous love as a solution to a supposed increase of loneliness.

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  • 31.
    Andersson, Jonas
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Communication, Media and Communication Studies.
    Gör känslor bäst nytta på arbetsplatsen?2011In: Svenska Dagbladet, ISSN 1101-2412, no 28 febArticle in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 32.
    Andersson, Jonas
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Communication, Media and Communication Studies.
    Sociala spel förtydligas i Chatroulette2010In: Svenska Dagbladet, ISSN 1101-2412, no 14 sepArticle in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 33.
    Andersson, Tova
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education.
    Live and Let Love: En kritisk studie av svensk homonationalism i en politisk manifestation i samband med de olympiska spelen i Sotji 20142016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this thesis is to examine how the construction of the swedish national self-image can be interpreted in relation to the protests against the russian anti-gay laws, leading up to the olympic games in Sotji 2014. I form a basis for my analysis in Jasbir K. Puars conceptual frame of homonationalism and examine the swedish political action Live and Let Love that took place at Stockholms Stadion in the fall of 2013. The analysis shows how the inclusion of a homonormative homosexuality becomes an important factor for the construction of Sweden as an open and tolerant nation in contrast to Russia as a non tolerant nation. This construction of "us" and the "Other" manifests through a discourse of tolerance. The national sense of community is formed through interaction between national symbols and symbols of the LGBT community.

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  • 34.
    Anglerfjord, Linn
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences.
    Jarnehäll, Isak
    Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences.
    Vem får vara expert?: En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie av dagstidningarnas coronarapportering ur ett genusperspektiv2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med studien är att undersöka könsrepresentationen i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet. Mer specifikt undersöks könsfördelningen bland experter i tidningarnas coronarapportering under april månad 2020. Detta görs i huvudsak med hjälp av en kvantitativ innehållsanalys, vilken kompletteras av kvalitativa intervjuer med redaktionscheferna på de två tidningarna. Det teoretiska ramverket för studien har sin utgångspunkt i genusteorier samt dagordningsteorin.

    I den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen analyseras 262 artiklar, varav 130 från Dagens Nyheter och 132 från Svenska Dagbladet, vilket ger ett analysunderlag på 200 experter för vardera tidning. Utöver den totala könsfördelningen analyseras dessutom materialet utifrån olika ämnesområden och förekomsten av manliga och kvinnliga experter inom dessa. Slutligen mäts även könsfördelningen bland olika typer av experter.

    Studien visar att kvinnor utgör mindre än en tredjedel av samtliga experter i det undersökta urvalet. Det går också att se en stor skillnad mellan de olika ämnesområdena. Störst andel män fanns inom ”Vetenskap/hälsa” och inom ”Vårdfrågor” var andelen kvinnor störst. Resultatet visade dessutom på en större andel kvinnliga experter än tidigare studier visat. De kvalitativa intervjuerna visar att båda tidningarna kontinuerligt mäter könsfördelningen i sin journalistik, bland annat med hjälp av AI-teknologi. Resultatet för intervjuerna indikerar även att Dagens Nyheter har en något tydligare målsättning för detta än Svenska Dagbladet

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  • 35. Annell, Cecilia
    Mamma och Freud: en feministisk dissektion av ett förlegat familjedrama2001In: Bang : feministisk kulturtidskrift, ISSN 1102-4593, no 4, p. 49-52Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 36.
    Anter, Frida
    Södertörn University College, School of Discourse Studies.
    Där kvinnor kämpar om makten över sina liv2007Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Kvinnor som begår självmord eller utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld är vanligare i östra än västra Turkiet. Det förtryck som den turkiska staten har utsatt kurderna i östra Turkiet för har bidragit till att cementera patriarkala värderingar.

    I januari 2005 skärptes lagstiftningen kring hedersmord. Många misstänker ett samband mellan lagändringen och de ökade självmorden bland unga kvinnor.

    Den 24 september 2006 demonstrerade åtta unga kvinnor på staden Batmans gator i sydöstra Turkiet. Kvällen innan begick 18-åriga Saliah Demir självmord.

    Kvinnoorganisationer, advokater, sociologer, dokumentärfilmare, studenter – alla kämpar de för kvinnors rätt till ett liv i frihet.

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  • 37.
    Aphram, Charbel Rafhael
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education.
    En fenomenografisk studie om högstadielärares erfarenheter och upplevelser med användning av pronomenet hen i klassrumsinteraktion: en fallstudie2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study aims to examine high school teachers experiences with non-binary students in different aspects of social and cultural factors. The use of the pronoun they will have a central role in terms of how teachers perceive its signification and function in everyday meetings with non-binary students. From its origin, circa 1970, to todays modern society the pronoun they have changed the view of the LGBTQ-circles (in background of greater influence) which has given a better general understanding of different identities and their internal processes. In this context, this study is gender orientated in the sense of how non-binary students are internalized in the educational system of Sweden today. The questions asked are solely based on teachers perceptions of these specific meetings with non-binary students.

    The answers given, by conducting interviews with 4 different teachers, showed that the experiences were similar to each other in many aspects. In its more simplified version the study showed that institutions are perceived as more modernized in the sense of educational inclusion but distinct complexities were instead more visible in deeper levels of human interaction, for example cultural differences were shown to be clear as to how binary and non-binary students interact. The respondents also confirmed that the educational possibilities of non-binary students are still marginalized by traditional influence, despite modern changes. More specifically, norms were shown to be distinguished in everything from language to teaching materials which gives the impression of a societal model, in its traditional sense, that is being reinforced by gender binary ambitions.

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  • 38.
    Asplund, Pastora
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Makt och tystnad: En kritisk diskursanalys av hur palestinska kvinnor skildras i svensk media ur ett feministiskt postkolonialt perspektiv2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

     This bachelor thesis aims to examine how Palestinian women are portrayed in Swedish media discourse. The study is delimited to the presentation of Palestinian women in Gaza, focusing on the period from the events of October 7th, 2023, to the current date, 20th of november 2024. In this research, I analyze 14 articles from two prominent Swedish newspapers to understand how Palestinian women are portrayed, depicted, and presented. The thesis seeks to answer the two following research questions: How are Palestinian women portrayed in Swedish media reporting after October 7, 2023, and to what extent do trends of invisibility, stereotypical portrayals, or silence around their experiences and agency manifest? What colonial power structures are reflected in the media discourse about the occupation in Gaza, and how do these structures influence the portrayal of Palestinian women? By applying feminist postcolonial theory and the three-dimensional model of critical discourse analysis, the study delves into these research questions by identifying trends in their representation. This involves examining key aspects such as who is speaking, who the intended audience is, whose stories are being highlighted, and how these stories are conveyed. The thesis identifies four discursive themes: Silences and women as anonymous victims, Women’s own stories, Women’s experiences of vulnerability and loss, and The power of representation.

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  • 39.
    Asztalos Morell, Ildiko
    Södertörn University, School of Gender, History, Literature and Religion, History.
    The rise of agrarian entrepreneurs in Hungary during the period of transition to capitalism (1989-2002) as a gendered process2005In: Gender transitions: in Russia and Eastern Europe / [ed] Asztalos Morell, Ildikó, Carlbäck, Helene, Hurd, Madeleine, Rastbäck, Sara, Eslöv: Gondolin , 2005, p. 233-256Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 40.
    Asztalos Morell, Ildiko
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Gender, History, Literature and Religion, History.
    Carlbäck, Helene
    Södertörn University, School of Gender, Culture and History. Södertörn University, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES).
    Hurd, Madeleine
    Södertörn University, School of Gender, History, Literature and Religion, History.
    Rastbäck, Sara
    Introduction2005In: Gender Transitions in Russia and Eastern Europe / [ed] Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Carlbäck, Helene, Hurd, Madeleine, Rastbäck, Sara, Eslöv: Gondolin , 2005, p. 9-30Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 41.
    Asztalos Morell, Ildikó
    et al.
    Södertörn University, School of Gender, History, Literature and Religion, History.
    Carlbäck, HeleneSödertörn University, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES).Hurd, MadeleineSödertörn University, School of Gender, History, Literature and Religion, History.Rastbäck, Sara
    Gender transitions: in Russia and Eastern Europe2005Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 42.
    Auran, Isak Kenshin
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Kroppslig längtan: en intervjustudie om hur icke-binära kön materialiseras2019Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Through the concept of longing, this study aims to explore non-binary embodiment and becoming, with a focus on examining how non-binary embodiment makes and is made possible. The study takes it departure in Karen Barads theories and concepts such as intra-action, and it is also from Barad the concept of longing is inspired. Longing is understood as the drive that is and makes possible life and the livable life. Longing is not reserved for humans but is rather tangent a posthuman understanding of matters agency, where matter is understood as an active agent in its own creation. The study is based on a combination of go-along interviews and semistructured interviews with six non-binary people.The study can be understood as an effort to make possible new or other ways to understand sex/gender, embodiment and becoming. Ways that is not based on a framework of understanding that in its foundational structure reduces the non-binary as something unintelligible. In the study longing is used as a means to create order and direction in the analysis of the participants stories. Longing has the benefit of being in constant movement and change, as such it contributes as a way of understanding that do not limit the participants stories of sex/gender, embodiment and becoming.

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    Isak Kenshin Auran. Kroppslig längtan: en intervjustudie om hur icke-binära kön materialiseras
  • 43.
    Auran, Isak Kenshin
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Möjligheten att vara omöjlig: Hur 'kön' förstås och får mening i självdefinitionen hos fyra icke-binära personer2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this paper is to examine the possibility to be impossible, to examine how the socially intelligible can come to exist. This is done through the concept of sex/gender, as sex/gender has such a determining place in the production of what can be understood as human, it also has the properties to shed light on the possibility to be and exist beyond the socially intelligible. In this paper I will interview and analyze how four genderqueer people understand themselves and their identity in relation to the phenomenon sex/gender. Through Karen Barad’s concept of posthumanist performativity and her conceptualization of phenomena and intra-action I understand sex/gender, not as entities, but as phenomena of ever changing and ever intra-acting agents. The study suggests that the limitations of the concept of sex/gender can be addressed through an understanding of the body as itself a web of intra-actions, that is, the body as a phenomenon.

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  • 44.
    Aurelius, Adriana
    et al.
    Södertörn University College, School of Gender, Culture and History.
    Niklasson, Kajsa
    Södertörn University College, School of Gender, Culture and History.
    Kvinnodominerad ledning i mansdominerad bransch2007Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Magister), 10 points / 15 hpStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This essay is written from a gender perspective and investigates the conditions of female leaders in a female dominated management group. The investigation is qualitative, and based on interviews, the annual report of the corporation and field notes from participant observations in the autumn 2006, when we frequently visited the corporation. The theoretical framework is Moss Kanters theory on corporations and La Clau and Mouffes discourse analysis. The result and the analysis are different in three sections. The first deals with gendered ideals and norms created around leadership and the image of the “boss”/ manager. Demands of performance and treatment are harder on the female leaders when measured against male norms, and expectations of female gender. The second part discusses how the conditions of the management group repeats through the organisation. The third part treats combating and defence of discourses on gender and leadership. The situation of the management group can be described as being under a constant pressure, but the leaders have constructed a form of leadership that facilitates the pressure on the female heads.

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  • 45.
    Ax, Sandra
    et al.
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education.
    Kessidis, Serap
    Södertörn University, Teacher Education.
    Gränssättning och genus i den fria leken2017Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    What we are investigating in experience-based essay is children’s free play in preschool. The purpose is to find out exactly how free the so called “free play” is and what interventions from the teachers can result in and contribute to when it comes to children’s play in preschool. Our main questions are: In what way should preschool teachers intervene in children’s playing situations? Should preschool teachers work against stereotypical gender roles everyday play situations? Why is children’s unrestricted play important in preschool? We are starting of this scientific essay by introducing two stories that’s self-experienced in our roles as preschool teachers. In the first story we are writing about a dilemma that occurs when a play situation leads up to the teacher feeling that the best solution is to end the game. In the second story we are describing a dilemma that occurs as the teacher decides to intervene in the children’s play and the intervention results in the children getting bored and eventually decides to leave the game themselves. With the help from different theories and from the knowledge we’ve been taught due to our preschool teacher education, we are reflecting on how we managed these play situations and what we could have done differently. We are doing this to get different point of views to what children’s free play means, get an insight on the act and responsibility of teachers and also to get more insight to what meaning gender specific toys and boundaries possibly can have in children’s play. We are starting the reflection from a gender perspective and are analyzing with the help from a scientific article with the focus on gender specific toys. Our final reflection is that the teachers have a positive attitude towards the free play, but that they are subconsciously controlling with both rules and the way that toys are to be used. Through this work we have come to the conclusion that it is important that the teachers are present, supportive and involved in the children’s play due to its possibility of being a process dealing with real life events. It isalso important to work with equality in children’s play at preschool to break down current unequal structures between genders.

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  • 46.
    Bark Persson, Anna
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Donna J. Haraway Staying With the Trouble. Making Kin in the Chthulucene2018In: Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, ISSN 1654-5443, E-ISSN 2001-1377, Vol. 39, no 2-3, p. 149-151Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 47.
    Bark Persson, Anna
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Home and Hell: Representations of Female Masculinity in Action-Driven Science Fiction Literature2020In: Lambda Nordica, ISSN 1100-2573, E-ISSN 2001-7286, Vol. 25, no 2, p. 68-90Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this article is to examine the representation of female masculinity in genre literature. Reading female masculinity as queer embodiment, I put two science fictional texts driven by a typical action narrative in dialogue with earlier research on representations of female masculinity in literature and popular culture to demonstrate the importance of bringing the genre of the text into the analysis when examining female masculinity.

    In the article, I use the connection between female masculinity and tragedy as my starting point to exemplify how the genre of a text shapes the depiction and reading of female masculinity. In the action-driven science fiction texts I study, this link is very much present, but tragedy is given another role to play. Instead of being an element in the constitution of gender non-conforming as an unlivable experience, the representation of these masculine female heroes as oriented away from heteronormative constructions of a good life (Ahmed 2006) makes possiblethe depiction of these women as masculine, as well as the glorification of their gender non-conformity within the framework of the action-based SF narrative.

  • 48.
    Bark Persson, Anna
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Notes Towards Gritty Fantasy Medievalism, Temporality, and Worldbuilding2022In: Fafnir: Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, E-ISSN 2342-2009, Vol. 9, no 2, p. 69-81Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article discusses gritty fantasy, a fantasy subgenre, which was established in the early 2000s and has since gained a lot of traction. In previous research, gritty fantasy has often been understood as a deconstructive form of fantasy that draws on the barbaric Middle Ages and subverts fantasy tropes as a reaction against earlier forms of popular fantasy. I examine, rather, the genre’s relation to the medieval and its depictions of power. Drawing on queer temporality and theories on fantasy literature and worldbuilding (Mendlsohn; Roine), I approach gritty fantasy first and foremost as a form of fantasy literature, placing it within the context of speculative fiction and asking what it does as a fantastic literature.

  • 49.
    Bark Persson, Anna
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Queering Fantasy Temporality2021Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Since Michel Foucault’s proto-queer theoretical History of Sexuality (1976/2002), time and history have functioned as important sites for the theorization and understanding of sexuality and gender as productive, culturally situated phenomena, rather than static, transhistorical, or naturally ordained. In particular the medieval has been a central site of contrast for the rethinking of modern conceptions of sexuality and heteronormativity (Dinshaw 1999). By contrast, popular fantasy often seems overwhelmingly normative in its medievalism, imagining the fantasy medieval as much ‘further back’ in a supposed linear development of greater social acceptance for sexual diversity than modern Western society.

    With the popularity of Game of Thrones, this particular construction of the fantasy medieval has gained critical academic attention. Recent feminist inquiries into the medievalisms of the current popular trend towards grimness and realism in fantasy media have revolved around what Amy Kaufman refers to as “muscular medievalism,” which “imagines the past as a man’s world in which masculinity was powerful, impenetrable, and uniquely privileged” (Kaufman 2016, 58; see also for example: Polack 2015; Young 2016; Carroll 2018). In these readings, the medievalism of popular fantasy is understood as constructing problematic understandings of gender, sexuality and race through its use of the ‘past.’ 

    In this presentation I want to offer a queer reading as a complement to these feminist engagements with the temporality of fantasy fiction. Drawing on theory on queer temporality and queer uses of the past (Dinshaw 1999; Fjelkestam 2018), I here make an initial attempt to sketch out a queer reading of the temporality of popular epic fantasy.

  • 50.
    Bark Persson, Anna
    Södertörn University, School of Culture and Education, Gender Studies.
    Steel as the Answer?: Viking Bodies, Power, and Masculinity in Anglophone Fantasy Literature 2006–20162023Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This dissertation examines the motif of the popular Viking in contemporary Anglophone fantasy literature, with a focus on masculinity, power, embodiment,and sexuality. The study draws on queer-theoretical perspectives on masculinity and the method of queer reading, and approaches the Viking as at once bound up with the legitimization of normative and hegemonic forms of masculinity and open to (queer) negotiations and possibilities beyond normative male masculinities.

    The material consists of contemporary gritty fantasy, a recent subgenre deeply invested in contemporary concerns regarding masculinity, masculine failure, and masculinity crisis narratives, where the Viking motif plays a major role. The texts under consideration are Joe Abercrombie’s The First Law (2006–2012) and The Shattered Sea (2014–2015), Richard K. Morgan’s A Land Fit for Heroes (2008–2016), Mark Lawrence’s The Red Queen’s War (2014–2016), and Elizabeth Bear and Sarah Monette’s The Iskryne Saga (2007–2015).

    Understanding the Viking as a motif that is intractably bound up with ideas of the past and the historical period of the Viking Age but not reducible to it, the thesis considers the fantasy Viking as a medial representation of spectacular hardbody action masculinity and puts it in relation to the fantasy text and fantasy worldbuilding as well as more generalized cultural ideas of the North and the Nordics. Furthermore, it asks how we can understand the masculinity of the Viking – long made symbolic of or associated with white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, and reactionary gender roles – beyond an assumed direct relation to men or men’s concerns.

    Analytically, the thesis considers the Viking in relation to spatiality, temporality, and embodiment, finding that in the fantasy text, the Viking emerges with a strong focus on a mighty, muscular body and as a barbarian Other connected to the past and in direct opposition to civilization and futurity, making it an escapist possibility outside the disciplining power of neoliberal late-stage capitalism. Furthermore, connecting to postfeminist perspectives on masculinity in media, the thesis finds that the fantasy Viking has developed in ways that seemingly take into account feminist and queer critique of traditional, homophobic forms of masculinity, transforming the Viking and offering it up for (queer) objectification. At the same time, the Viking also becomes a safe site of traditional masculinity, where anxieties and concerns regarding a supposed loss of male power in modernity can be projected and ultimately resolved.

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