Since the terrorist attack occurred in the United States September 11th 2001 the money laundering has been a very attentively problem. It was after the incident that the action in money laundering got more significance, both internationally just as well as nationally. The concept got a wider extent where partly funding of terrorism practiced. Money laundering can be interpreted as a definition problem because the concept is very broad, as well can money laundering implemented through many different methods and therefore needs extending arrangements. The combating today is very large, both through EU-money laundering directive, international organizations and the Swedish legislation. The global cooperation is a substantial tool to prevent the freedom of capital and services. If we can stop the funding of criminal operation, then we are a step closer to stop money laundering which is organized criminality.
The development in money laundering are going forward, new regulations analyses by EU and international organizations, and applies in the member countries. But sometimes to be to question oneself how far the international regulation goes in terms of the individual rights and how it stands the legal security itself to potentiation of money laundering. In Sweden it is the law enforcement authorities and regulatory authority that conducts the basis and the supervision in the acts. The operator has the most important task to practice the regulations, but how the results of the work is, is however another question.
This essay will be to work money laundering partly outside the European Union’s money laundering directive and other international organizations regulation, also from the Swedish legal systems regulations and compliance. Further in this paper will be affect the legal security question where the individual, both legal and physical person, rights and protection are the focus of public power and action.
By employing a mix between qualitative and quantitative methods, we explored the ways in which file sharers themselves conceive of the future of “piracy.” A content analysis of a selection of open answers from the Research Bay study (a global file sharing survey conducted in collaboration with file-sharing site The Pirate Bay in April, 2011, with more than 75,000 respondents) revealed significant differences between active uploaders and the much larger group of respondents who regularly download files but never upload. Tropes of “community” were not particularly abundant in this corpus. The biggest singular tropes were those of unstoppability/technical resilience (“File-sharing won’t be stopped”); convenience/availability/supply; skepticism/hostility towards governmental intrusion; and—surprisingly—the trope that file sharing will eventually be integrated with the market. This latter trope was particularly common among the non-uploaders (representing the majority of Pirate Bay users) compared to the dedicated uploaders. The non-uploaders also appeared to be more disposed towards a generic belief in the progress, evolution, and a potential convergence/assimilation of technology.
PurposeThis paper aims to examine how Sweden, as a member state of the European Union (EU), has implemented the EU Directive on Public Access to Environmental Information (AEI directive) in the context of the principles of good administration.Design/methodology/approachThis paper adopts the EU law methodology, as this paper mainly examines the implementation of the EU AEI directive by the member states and, as an EU member state, how Sweden used procedural autonomy to implement the EU directive at the national level. The EU law methodology further guides how national laws are to be interpreted considering obligations under the EU law. This paper further applies a comparative review to determine the differences in the approaches used by the AEI directive and relevant Swedish national laws to facilitate access to environmental information.FindingsDespite Sweden used a minimalist approach rather than maximal harmonization while implementing the AEI directive at the national level, the Swedish model of the accessibility and availability of environmental information is fully compliant with the principles of good administration. The Swedish approach has an enormous effect on promoting access to environmental information as an integral part of good governance and fundamental rights.Research limitations/implicationsIt was not possible to perform a comparative review of court cases on relevant issues from different EU member states.Practical implicationsAccess to environmental information could be a tool for environmental democracy and sustainable development.Social implicationsAccess to environmental information could contribute to more public engagement and participation in environmental decision making and hence could make developmental projects more inclusive to meet societal objectives.Originality/valueThis study makes a unique contribution by evaluating access to environmental information in the context of the principles of good administration under EU law.
The principle of proportionality is considered one of the most important contemporary legal principles on which it intends to protect individual citizens against disproportionate action by the authorities. This aroused our interest prior to this study. The essay reveals how such behavior might look like and how courts have chosen to adjudicate in cases where the individual has been discriminated against or subjected to unreasonable demands in public procurement. That section of the law that were current throughout all court cases are Public Procurement Act (2007:1097) LOU. That which we have seen in every court case is that the applicant has not received a proper fair chance when the requirements of the contract often been asked in a way that either exclude the smaller applicant company or rule out various potential applicants parties due to excessive and sometimes unnecessary requirements. The consistently demonstrated in the study of court cases is that the authorities in all ten cases have had problems with necessity assessment of the claims shall be made, however, no authority in these cases had any confusions about whether it was appropriate for attaining the objective pursued. Another important discovery along the way has been assessed according to the constituent elements of the Public Procurement Act has been interpreted somewhat differently by different courts. Which may give a distorted picture of the courts positions in just the proportionality assessment. It could even be seen as a lack of legal certainty, the principle of proportionality is not firmly established through the codification of the current Administration Act but instead occurs scattered over different regions of justice. Study also showed that courts only rely on European law in a few cases despite principle of proportionality strong roots in Europe.
This chapter provides a short overview and investigation of gender perspectives on transitional justice. It examines some of the gender implications of the 'transitional' theory of justice. The chapter explains conceptualising the role of gender analysis in transitional justice and what it means to add gender to transitional justice. It discusses key points of contention and the case study of Bosnia-Herzegovina; zoom in on gendered justice gaps connected to accountability, acknowledgement and reparation. The chapter explores gender as a relational concept that more broadly informs an understanding of power, exclusion and marginalisation. Transitional justice practices aim to right wrongs in the past, institutionalise the rule of law and new juridical and normative frameworks in the present, as well as prevent the recurrence of violence and future harm. The efforts to break the impunity for these crimes and unveil the extensive harm suffered by women paradoxically risks cementing conservative gender roles of women as victims and men as perpetrators.
This chapter focuses on three gendered justice gaps–the accountability, acknowledgement and reparations gaps–and unmask transitional justice as a site for the long-term construction of a gendered post-conflict order. It begins by defining and conceptualising the role of gender analysis in transitional justice, followed by a brief historical overview of the policy and practice accomplishments and shortcomings so far. The permanent International Criminal Court with a seat in The Hague has built upon the work of the two ad hoc tribunals. The treaty that established the court and governs it, the Rome Statute, refers to gender-based violence as a possible war crime. On a theoretical level a great number of questions remain unresolved and it is pertinent to problematise some of the assumptions and outcomes of research so far. Transitional justice practices aim to right wrongs in the past, institutionalise the rule of law and new juridical and normative frameworks, as well as prevent the recurrence of violence and future harms.
Ekonomer betraktar vanligtvis konkursutvecklingen som en konjunkturindikator och därmed beroende av förändringar på ekonomins efterfrågesida: konkurserna förväntas öka i tider av ekonomisk nedgång och minska under högkonjunkturer. Flertalet analyser är emellertid kortsiktiga. I denna uppsats presenterar vi ny och unik empiri där vi analyserar det långsiktiga sambandet mellan konjunkturväxlingar och konkurser i Sverige mellan år 1830 och år 2010. I uppsatsen diskuteras också problem som kan uppstå i tolkningen av konkursstatistiken, både historiskt och i vår samtid. Den statistiska analysen visar att det delvis går att fastställa ett samband mellan makroekonomiska svängningar och förändringar i konkursmängden.
The legal strategies employed by France and Sweden to combat the Covid-19 pandemic differed significantly. Indeed, the articulation of hard law and soft law instruments varied, particularly due to differences in the trust placed by the state in its citizens. Meanwhile, both countries faced the same necessity of implementing efficient and effective standards designed to combat the pandemic. However, the fluctuating context in which these norms were established, along with the difficulty for the intended recipients to distinguish between what was mandatory and what was merely advisory, significantly contributed to the lack of legibility in health regulations in both countries.
Legislation on benefit sharing dates back to 1992 and the commandment of the UNConvention on Biological Diversity, hence implementation still has few cases to fall back on(CBD, 1992). The case study of the project ProBenefit presented by the thesis highlights howlack of deliberation can undermine a democratic process. The objective of the thesis is thatProBenefit’s attempt to implement the standards of the CBD on access and benefit sharingwill highlight not only problems met by this specific project, but difficulties that generallymeet democratic processes in contexts of high inequality. To define if the project ProBenefitsucceeded in carrying out a deliberative process the project will be analyzed by the criteria:access to information, representation, legitimacy and involvement.The population in the project area of ProBenefit had a long history of social marginalization,which made it hard for foreign projects to gain legitimacy. The lack of independentorganizations and the late establishment of the project, which resulted in time shortage, madeit impossible to prevent the distrust of the local population. The failure of the projectcoordinators to ensure active participation of all stakeholders resulted in a late and lowinvolvement of the local participants. The absence of independent organization also madedemocratic legitimacy of the process questionable. Even if ProBenefit had a vision ofdemocratic deliberation the project was unable to break down the prevailing unequal powerdistribution which resulted in an unsustainable process and failure. The conclusion of thethesis is that the attainment of deliberation foremost depends on how a project deals with theexisting distribution of power and how it succeeds in involving all stakeholders.
Uppsatsen redogör för kommunikationsskyldigheten som regleras i 25 § förvaltningslagen (2017:900). Det är en skyldighet som förvaltningsmyndigheter har gentemot enskilda, vilket är mycket viktig för rättssäkerheten och förtroendet för myndigheter. En enskild kan vara inblandad i ett ärende hos en förvaltningsmyndighet, som t.ex. kan handla om att en personsöker bygglov eller att en person som har personlig hjälp riskerar att få ersättningen för det indraget. I alla ärenden som hanteras av myndigheter måste den som är part i ärendet informeras om uppgifter som tillförts ärendet och som har betydelse för utgången i ärendet. Det kan handla om muntliga eller skriftliga uppgifter, uppgifter som tillförts ärendet utifrån eller inifrån myndigheten, dvs. ex officio. Parten ska också ges tillfälle att yttra sig över deinkommna uppgifterna. Det är myndighetens skyldighet och ansvar att se till den enskilda blirkommunicerad med under hela ärendehandläggningen. Den enskilda ska inte själv behöva kontrollera om nya uppgifter har kommit in eller inte.
Following an increase in Roma migration under the European “freedom of movement” laws, Swedish municipalities initiated more than 80 evictions of informal Roma settlements on the grounds of poor sanitation between 2013 and 2016. These evictions echo policies from earlier in the 20th century, when Roma living in Sweden were often marginalized through the denial of access to water and sanitation facilities. The recent Swedish evictions also follow similar government actions across Europe, where Roma settlements are controlled through the denial of access to water and sanitation. However, access to water and sanitation—central aspects of human health—are universal human rights that must be available to all people present in a jurisdiction, regardless of their legal status. The evictions described here violated Sweden’s obligations under both European and international human rights law. More positive government responses are required, such as providing shelters or camping sites, setting up temporary facilities, and directly engaging with communities to address water and sanitation issues. The authors conclude by providing guidance on how states and municipalities can meet their human rights obligations with respect to water and sanitation for vulnerable Roma individuals and informal settlements in their communities. © 2017 Davis and Ryan.
Examples of how depotation and extraditions of war criminals were handled by Sweden during and after the second world war, with examples from the Nordic countries, Poland, (West) Germany and Yugoslavia,
This chapter deals with legitimacy in connection to the exercise of public power through unilateral decisions. It can for example concern a prohibition, a permit, an allowance, an authorization, an administrative fine, a tax or a duty to perform something (e.g., tearing down a house that was illegally built). The decision implies public power irrespective of whether the individual through the decision receives what he applied for or was denied it. Society is to a large extent governed through such administrative law and a unilateral decision has consequences for the individual concerned. In the chapter is emphasized that legality is one part of legitimacy and that the responsibilities of the officials with regard to the law in action as well as the judicial review by courts are fundamental to legitimacy. Legitimacy is closely connected to trust.
This master's thesis on the subject of public law will deal with the implications ”Directive 2001/18/EC on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms” might have on the Swedish legal system. The purpose of the directive is to harmonize the European Union States legislation regarding licensing of the deliberate release of GMO’s into the environment, this to maintain a high level of environmental protection and at the same time preserve the internal market of the European Union. The thesis will primarily examine how the provisions of the directive relating to the general principle of good administration have impacted the procedural autonomy of Sweden. It will also explore whether the provisions of the directive have impacted Sweden’s institutional autonomy. This study is to be regarded as the thesis’ main purpose. The master’s thesis will also briefly touch upon the general principle of good administration, procedural and institutional autonomy and the European Union law’s judicial relation to the member states. A summary of the legislation process preceding the directive on the deliberate release into the environment of GMO’s can also be found, it focuses on the discussions in the different Institutions of the European Union regarding the general principle of good administration. A similar summary of the Swedish implementation process of the directive is also included.
The thesis shows that several provisions in the directive regarding the general principle of good administration have in fact impacted the Swedish procedural autonomy. It also shows that Swedish legislators has been forced to introduce new procedural rules into Swedish law in order to meet the demands of the directive on the deliberate release into the environment of GMO’s while implementing the directive. However, no major impact on the Swedish institutional autonomy has been noted. At the end of the thesis the results and whether or not there is a need for a codified and uniform European administrative law is discussed.
Kriminella handlingar är oavsett aktör ett samhällsproblem då det påverkar både oskyldiga människor och företag, ett problem som på senaste åren vuxit speciellt bland unga män. Därav inspirationen bakom studien. Syftet med denna studie är att studera dem bakomliggande faktorerna som ligger bakom unga mäns medverkan i kriminalitet. Det empiriska material som används i studien är fyra djupintervjuer med unga män i åldrarna 18–25 som levt ett kriminellt liv. Det teoretiska perspektivet som används i undersökningen är narrativ teori.
Resultatet i studien indikerar att det inte går att fastställa enstaka anledningar som kan tillämpas på alla unga mäns medverkan i kriminalitet, dock så finns det ett gemensamt motiv såsom exempelvis psykiskt missnöje som lett till att dessa unga män sökt sig till att eftersträva någonting dem känns en brist av i sitt liv. Såsom trygghet, en respekt och en acceptans.
Det finns ett ökat hot för kränkning av den enskildes personliga integritet i dagens informationssamhälle. Både enskilda och stater kan missbruka informationen om den enskildes privata förhållanden i egna syften. Samtidigt har en myndighet behov av informationen som underlag för att utföra välfärdstjänster och ta myndighetsbeslut. För att inte känslig information ska hamna i orätta händer finns lagen som ett skydd för den enskildes personliga integritet. Uppsatsen jämför Finlands och Sveriges rättsordningar utifrån materiell och formell rättsäkerhet gällande skyddet för den personliga integriteten vid myndigheters informationsutbyte.
Genom att kompararera två rättsordningar får analysen ytterligare en dimension – vilket system ger störst effekt och hur kan det andra systemet inspireras? Slutsatsen är att beroende på hur rättsystemet utformats utifrån grundläggande värden får det varierande effekt på den enskildes integritetsskydd. Finland har konstruerat sin rättsordning utifrån värdet integritet vilket ger den enskilde juridiskt skydd på flera nivåer i rättsordningen och med ett omfattande materiellt innehåll. Sekretessen följer handlingen genom alla myndigheter. Sverige däremot har byggt en rättsordning utifrån värdet offentlighet, där sekretessen är undantaget från huvudregeln. Det gör att det finns en ökad risk för rättsbrist om inte sekretess täcker alla situationer. En lösning på ett av det svenska systemets problem, skulle kunna vara att i sekretesslagen hänvisa till artikel 8 om privatliv i Europakonventionen om de mänskliga fri-och rättigheterna. Ytterligare en svensk svaghet är hur sekretesskyddet varierar mellan myndigheter, från att inte överföras alls, till att ges antingen ett starkare eller svagare skydd.
This study examines the external effects that can arise from the establishment of solar parks and how these effects can influence societal decisions. Renewable energy sources play a key role in moving towards a sustainable future, where solar parks can be viewed as a sustainable energy source alternative. There is a risk that solar parks can lead to global and local negative externalitiets, which makes it very interesting to study. The study is based on a qualitative method, where interviews were conducted with four stakeholders, containing existing knowledge and insights about solar parks. Empirical materials were also utilized, which consisted of various materials from, environmental assessments, and other reliable sources, to answer our study questions. The results show that the establishment of solar parks can lead to a so called green vs. green- conflic, where there are contradicting interests and opinions. By comparing three existing solar parks, we were able tol understand what role external effects play in the decision making of establishing a solar park, and how public interests, such as food management can also influence this decision. The results also show that the localization prinicple plays a huge role in influencing what external effects that might arise int that specific location.
Scholars have unpacked the rhetorically nuanced ways political actors alter state narratives in resisting pressure to comply with international norms. But many of these rhetorical strategies apply in other contexts, where there exists sufficient norm ambiguity, too. For example, in response to Turkey's long-standing denialism, many governments have been asked to recognise the Armenian Genocide (or 1915 Genocide of Christians in the Ottoman Empire). But, because there exists no clear international norm about recognising genocides perpetuated by other states, even some of the most unlikely government officials adapt their rhetoric to resist recognition and pursue ulterior foreign policy objectives. Building on Dixon's rhetorical adaptation framework, this article argues that, between 1999 and 2021, Swedish political actors often adapted their rhetoric in ways similar to Turkish officials as a result of the normative ambiguity of states recognising the Armenian Genocide. In explaining why Sweden consistently resisted Genocide recognition efforts, this analysis focuses on its larger foreign policy commitments of spreading democracy in Turkey and managing the Syrian refugee crisis.
Policing is recognised as a stressful occupation. Stress is known to correlate with health problems. This study aimed to extend the available police stress measures and provide an instrument to measure the extent to which different stressors are perceived in general Swedish police work using the Police Stress Identification Questionnaire (PSIQ). The sample comprised patrolling police officers from 20 local police districts or units in all seven regions in Sweden (n=539). The 42 items of the PSIQ were analysed using exploratory factor analysis, and the factor structure was tested on the second random half of the data using confirmatory factor analysis. The final model comprised 40 items that were loaded on five factors. Future studies should focus on a broader range of stressors and on populations other than patrolling police officers.
Research shows that police work is one of the most stressful professions in the world, and police officers typically suffer a variety of physiological, psychological, and behavioral effects and symptoms. Thus, constant exposure to stressful situations requires resilient police officers. Legislation, social support, organizational factors, and individual resources all play different roles in maintaining resilience among police officers. The aim of this chapter is to contribute to a multisystemic ecological theory of police resilience. By applying this analytical approach, the authors illustrate how systems on different levels interact with each other reciprocally. They conclude that resilience is necessary for officers to have the capacity to act authoritatively in uncertain situations. The use of multisystemic social-ecological theory provides a deeper understanding of the processes that contribute to positive development in professionally stressful contexts.
In this article we discuss ableist manifestations about chronically ill and disabled schoolchildren in Sweden. On claiming their right to schooling, these children risk being excluded due to not conforming with norms while being refused alternative formats that would enable participation. They are then accused of not attending school and construed as problematic. Parents are derided as mollycoddling perpetrators by teachers who perceive themselves as superior knowers of disability and illness, polarising an already infected school debate. Alternative formats for participation are derided, claiming that certain disabilities do not exist or that parents exaggerate their children’s symptoms. We concede that teachers’ poor work environments due to underfunding and unreasonable workloads are problematic, but we are adamant that unfavourable work conditions must not entail unethical professional conduct. We hope this article will contribute to putting the situation of chronically ill and disabled schoolchildren in Sweden on the radar of Critical Disability Studies as well as in relevant fields of practice and that it might stimulate a change in public debate
The ‘open society’ has become a watchword of liberal democracy and the market system in the modern globalized world. Openness stands for individual opportunity and collective reason, as well as bottom-up empowerment and top-down transparency. It has become a cherished value, despite its vagueness and the connotation of vulnerability that surrounds it. Scandinavia has long considered itself a model of openness, citing traditions of freedom of information and inclusive policy making. This collection of essays traces the conceptual origins, development, and diverse challenges of openness in the Nordic countries and Austria. It examines some of the many paradoxes that openness encounters and the tensions it arouses when it addresses such divergent ends as democratic deliberation and market transactions, freedom of speech and sensitive information, compliant decision making and political and administrative transparency, and consensual procedures and the toleration of dissent.
The European Convention guarantees the right to assembly. Since the ratification of the Convention Sweden has been obligated to make proportionality balances when granting or restricting the right. However, the process of how the proportionality assessments work when cancelling or dissipating a public gathering, and thereby limit the right to protest, is unmapped. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the legal problems that emerges by studying the Parliamentary Ombudsman’s and the Chancellor of Justice’s proportionality assessments relating to the right to protest. This will be done by comparing nine decisions made by the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Chancellor of Justice between 1995 and today (2017). The study concludes that the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Chancellor of Justice overall made proportionality assessments and thereby respected the principle of proportionality. However, some legal problems complicated the assessments. The definition of resolution, public gathering and severe disorder can differ, which can result in discretional exercise of official authority. This may, in turn, restrict the freedom of assembly and thereby be a threat to the democracy.
In the crime policy field, the crime victim is usually described as the direct opposite of the offender in terms of characteristics and needs. This article analyses crime policy descriptions of crime victims and offenders, with a special focus on how politicians address the issue of the victim-offender overlap. The material comprises a sample of legislative crime policy bills submitted by members of the Swedish parliament during 2005-10. In the bills, crime victims are described as good, innocent and in need of help, whereas the offender is seen as a bad, ruthless scoundrel. In between stands a group of victim-offenders; pitiable poor things. However, when responses to offenders are discussed, both poor things and scoundrels are to be punished severely. © The Author(s) 2013.
This essay discusses in a comparative way the Swedish and Norwegian legal system, mainly laws that contain adoption regulations. It also compares the administrative work that the government in both countries practices in relation to the individual person. In this essay, focus lies on the legal rights of the child in the adoption process and how well the government and its service meet the requirements from abroad.This essay has shown that the government has many rules and regulations that regulate their work and that all the sub processes are designed to ensure the child’s best in the adoption in both Sweden and Norway. Despite some differences in the investigation process, the work is very much alike. The differences in the investigation that leads to an approval has shown that the government in Norway is not as controlling in comparison to the Swedish government. This could lead to the child’s rights being neglected to a certain extent.
Den 22 juli 2011 bombade Anders Behring Breivik regeringskvarteren i Oslo. 8 personer dog och flera skadades. Bomben orsakade också stor materiell skada. Några timmar senare sköt gärningsmannen ihjäl 69 personer på ön Utøya. Denna studie undersöker hur Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten, Aftonbladet och Expressen rapporterade kring händelserna de fem första dagarna efter dåden. Med utgångspunkt i ett diskursperspektiv har studien genom kvalitativ analys av texterna svarat på hur gärningsmannen till de båda dåden har förklarats i de fyra tidningarna. Det har visat sig att han beskrivits på många olika sätt. Han har framställts som exempelvis terrorist och högerextrem, personlighetsstörd och som psykiskt sjuk. Dessa skapar tillsammans med andra beskrivningar, som exempelvis singel, frimurare eller ond, en bild av gärningsmannen som inte är enhetlig. Beskrivningarna fungerar som förklaringar till dåden. Det kan med stöd i tidigare forskning vara så att rädslan över att kategorisera rasistiska ytt-ringar eller som i detta fall, terroristiska och högerextrema sådana, vilket gör att gärnings-mannen inte kategoriseras som det ena eller det andra utan får flera benämningar. Studien har som en andra slutsats kommit fram till att de olika rubriceringarna fungerar som en förklar-ingsmodell eller orsak till brottet eftersom det inte förklaras djupare utan får stå för sig själva. En tredje slutsats är att terrorism och terrorist är beteckningar på brottet och gärningsmannen, snarare än en förklaring till varför det inträffat. Detta eftersom dessa beteckningar återkom-mer oavsett vilken förklaring som anges.
Följande studie undersöker hur Expressen och Aftonbladet har gestaltat bröderna Robin Dahlén och Christian Karlsson mellan årtalen 1998–2022. Bröderna anklagades för mordet på fyraårige Kevin 1998 och har haft stämpeln barnamördare fram till 2018 när de friades från anklagelserna. Syftet är att undersöka hur bröderna har gestaltats som anklagade barnamördare som barn jämfört med oskyldiga som vuxna vid nyhetsrapportering. Samt om media har brustit i sitt ansvar och kränkt den personliga integriteten i rapporteringen. Det undersöks också hur Robin Dahlén har upplevt och påverkats av rapporteringen som barn samt vuxen.
Undersökningen har utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ språklig textanalys av artiklar från Expressen och Aftonbladet under årtalen 1998, 2017, 2018 och 2022. För att få en djupare förståelse för analysen utfördes också en kvalitativ intervju med Robin Dahlén. Undersökningen grundar sig i tidigare forskning som berör offentlig granskning av barn, ungdomsbrottslighet och felaktigt dömda. Samt teoretiska ramverken medielogiken och mediernas ansvarighet.
Resultatet av undersökningen bekräftar att både Expressen och Aftonbladet gestaltat bröderna på ett negativt sätt när bröderna anklagades för mordet. Tidningarna har skrivit om brödernas personliga integritet genom att nämna dem vid ålder, kön, nationalitet och hemort. På senare år när bröderna har avskrivits från fallet och visats vara felaktigt dömda har media en mer beskrivande bild av hur samhället svikit bröderna genom att kritisera bland annat poliser och politiker som har påverkat bröderna till det negativa. Resultatet av intervjun bekräftar att Robin Dahlén anser att nyhetsrapporteringen inte alltid bemötts positivt av allmänheten. Men han har upplevt medias rapportering av honom som mer hjälpsam än ohjälpsam.