The auditing history dates back to the ancient Greeks who book kept and audited all transactions. During the industrial revolution the audit profession was born. In the 1900s the universities started to teach in auditing and bookkeeping and from there auditing has developed in a fast pace. This resulted in the establishments of norm setters such as FASB, IASB etcetera.
Sweden utilizes the IASB with some modifications which has been developed by Swedish norm setters like the bookkeeping committee, the accounting council, the FAR etcetera. As a response to the demand that all corporates were supposed to have an audit, the Handelshögskolan (the first university in Sweden which educated in auditing) was established in 1909.
The purpose of this essay is to examine how well the understanding of competence matches between new graduates and the companies which are discussed in the essay.
The essay is built upon the deductive method, where one starts from a theory to explain the reality. The essay also uses a case study which contains both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The qualitative approach has been used for gathering information from the audit companies and the banks. The quantitative approach is applied for gathering broader information on students from Södertörns högskola. The theories applied in the essay consist of the competence flower which explains four different types of competences, and the human capital theory – provide for competence, which includes the development of knowledge over time.
The survey consists of four interviews, which include two audit companies and two banks. The two audit companies include Öhrlings Price Waterhouse Coopers and BDO Nordic. The two banks include Swedbank and Handelsbanken. The essay is also made up of 64 questionnaires from students of Södertörn University College with the direction to auditing & bookkeeping and financing.
The conclusions of the essay shows that all companies asked appreciate the social competence foremost. There is however some different opinions between the audit companies and the banks, where the audit companies require higher education while banks require work experience.
Another conclusion is that there exists a relatively unanimous understanding regarding the competence between companies and the students regarding requirements for employment, albeit with some deviations that are discussed further in the essay.