Ris, ris, jag vill bara ha ris!: En essä om den pedagogiska måltidens syfte
2016 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
This essay is about the pedagogical meal in preschool. In my essay I describe a dilemma where I, as a teacher felt stressed and insufficient as an educator at the lunch situation with the children in preschool.
I felt how the stress makes me unfocused. And I feel depressed knowing that what could be a peaceful moment aren’t the forum for learning as I know a pedagogical meal can be. In the essay I use relevant literature perspective on stress and how it influences the children and the teachers in a learning situation.
I will describe in what way a stressed meal has a negative effect on the children and me as a teacher. And how I, as an educator, can promote a positive learning situation and environment at lunch.
To get some perspective, I attended another school to observe the meal situation. The teachers have extensive professional experience, and are actively working to achieve a meal situation, in an non stressed environment suitable for learning. At the same school I also interviewed one of the teachers about her view on how a meal can become an environment for learning.
The curriculum 98/10 serves as guiding documents in preschool and is influenced by Vygotsky’s theory of language and interaction as a tool for development, therefore is his theories included in the essay to create a relevance to all active in preschool.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2016. , p. 29
Keywords [en]
Stress, Teaching meal, interaction, learning, preschool
Keywords [sv]
Stress, Pedagogisk måltid, samspel, lärande, förskola
National Category
Educational Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-30287OAI: oai:DiVA.org:sh-30287DiVA, id: diva2:935674
Subject / course
Education Studies
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
2016-06-132016-06-112016-06-13Bibliographically approved