The purpose of this study is to emphasize the democratic term. We wanted to study how pedagogues act and deal with their own feelings, when they meet the thoughts and feelings of the children around the topic gathering in preschool. Our starting point was the answers from the interviews we held. Our questions were "What do the children and pedagogues think is the purpose of the gathering? How do the children and pedagogues experience that influence and participation are given to the children on the gathering? How do the children and pedagogues see to children`s participation on the gathering? Do the pedagogues experience the gathering from the children´s perspective?" We interpret the answers with Husserls phenomenologic theory to get closer to the subjective feeling. In our studie we have discovered that children´s and pedagouges view on influence and participation do differ. We also included children´s perspectiv to the studie. The pedagouges view on children´s perspective involves the preconception of how the preschool´s activity´s should be done. Our conclusion reads: The children do not only need to be heard. They need to be listened upon to be able to create a feeling of the democracy´s parts, where influence and participation are important aspects in our society. Where everyone´s value should be equally considered, regardless of age or any other entities of the power factors.