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The Effect of Remittances on Socio-Economic Condition and Decision Making Process of Rural Families: A Case Study of Peshawar Khyber Pukhunkhuwa Pakistan
Södertörn University, School of Social Sciences. (Economics)
2015 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 40 credits / 60 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

The objective of the study is to analyze the effect of remittances on socio-economic conditions of rural families in Peshawar, and how remittances change the decision-making process of families. This study examines the effects of remittances on local population in three towns of Peshawar, i.e. Hayatabad, Faqir-Abad and Gulberg-area. The study is basically conducted to see how remittances bring changes in the life of the recipients. The research is quantitative, data was collected through questionnaires. For the research, a sample of 300 respondents was selected from three towns in Peshawar District. The results of the research were interpreted through statistical tools, regression model. The Ordinary least square method (OLS) was used to find out the effect of remittances on health sector and investment made by respondents in the form of purchased property and investment made in establishing their own businesses. Along with that, the simple Logit Model was also used. The result is generalized on linear model with link logit and binomial response. Findings stated that the literacy level of the emigrant’s household positively impacted on children’s probability to move to private education. The results reveals that the recipient invest 4% of their income on investment as a form of business and purchasing property while educated people appears not to be interested in investing money in businesses as they want to continue their jobs. Respondent are not using a large portion of their remittances for health perhaps mostly people are entitled to free services from the government. Remittances changed their standard of living and socio economic affairs of the remittances receiving respondents. According to my demographic information about respondents life, the remittances mostly brings changes in the physical part of people life such as Private Education, Personal transport, new houses, investment in buying properties, more electric appliances, bank balance etc., but culturally people are still conservative and believe in cultural values that have been practices by local population for centuries.

Following are some main recommendations that this research has identified,

  • Foreign remittances are improving the socio-economic conditions and decision making of rural families, however, their consumption behavior is not inclined towards investment, they rather prefer to enjoy luxurious household’s equipment. Therefore, it is recommended that these families should utilize their resources in more efficient way, and should go for short and long term investment avenues.
  • Government must design policies in order to educate these families and create awareness among them that will enable them to look for sustainable domestic income, which would help the families in the long run.
  • These families follow the norms and traditions, and they prefer sending their children abroad for earning purposes, which in turn is comparatively less profitable idea as compared to sending these children for higher education purpose.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2015. , p. 39
Keywords [en]
Logit model, Remittances, Ordinary least square model
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-28199OAI:, id: diva2:851396
Subject / course
2013-06-13, ME1, Alfred Nobels alle 7 Flemingsberg, Huddinge, 14:13 (English)
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Available from: 2015-09-07 Created: 2015-09-04 Last updated: 2015-09-07Bibliographically approved

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