This is a study on how eurythmists/educators describe the relationship between the practice of eurythmy and learning in young children. I wanted to find out what concepts these eurythmists/educators use when speaking of learning in relation to eurythmy. In addition I would also like to explore what eurythmists and educators think that children learn when practicing eurythmy. The method of this study is interviews with two educated Waldorf teachers, as well as two educated and practicing eurythmists, in a fenomenological interview setting with open questions. The theories of Merleau-Ponty, on the phenomenological body, has been used when analyzing the interview material - that is; through the understanding of a physical learning in these theories on the phenomenological body I have tried to understand and analyze the interview material. After the analysis I arrived at the conclusion that my informants considered learning of a string of subjects to be interbraided in the practice of eurythmy, these are: body confidence, social training, development of motor skills as well as emotional growth and a holistic learning.