IKT i den nya lärarutbildningen: En kritisk granskning av det fjärde perspektivet
2011 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
The aim of this paper is to investigate how well information and communication technology (ICT) is implemented in the new teacher training program in the subject of Swedish and how this is presented in the applications for examination licence to the National Swedish Agency for Higher Education. This is an interesting field of study, since ICT has been selected, by an investigation chosen by the government to be one of four overall perspectives that are supposed to permeate the teacher training program. There have been several difficulties involved in this project of which one has been the extent of the material. 27 applications and all curriculums in the subject of Swedish belonging to them have been examined. Another difficulty was that the applications and the curriculums are written by different persons under different conditions such as time and resources. This made the material heterogeneous and hard to treat equally in the analysis. With this paper we hope to point out the importance of implementation of ICT as a pedagogical tool in the education of teachers and to assess the capability of the seats of learning to carry this through.
The content of the curriculums has been sorted into different categories in a table. This sorting show to what extent every single course has a content that is related to ICT in ways of teaching methods, methods of account, course goals and literature. From the applications sections of the texts that mention ICT has been selected and summarized to show how the different seats of learning has chosen to put forward the subject of ICT.
The results of this investigation show that very few seats of learning have implemented ICT in the subject of Swedish. Research on the subject of ICT is common among the seats as well as different kinds of workshops for the students but otherwise, apart from a few seats, ICT is generally not prominently mentioned in the applications.
The conclusion of this investigation is that not very many seats of learning has come a long way towards implementation of ICT in the subject of Swedish and thus cannot live up to the government’s intention that ICT should permeate the teacher training programme.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2011. , p. 92
Keywords [sv]
IKT, Lärarutbildningen, examensrätt
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-9094OAI: oai:DiVA.org:sh-9094DiVA, id: diva2:422733
Subject / course
Education Studies
2011-06-09, 12:00 (Swedish)
Humanities, Theology
2011-06-142011-06-132011-06-14Bibliographically approved