"Det gäller att följa sin egen stjärna, lita på sig själv, att odla det inre äventyret": En studie i skapandetemat i Bruno K. Öijers poesi
2009 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [sv]
Bruno K. Öijer is one of Sweden's well known poets. He belongs to a poetic avant-garde and made his debut in 1973. Many literature researchers and reviewers have focused on Öijer as person and poet. I will discuss Öijer's authorship in relation to literary traditions, such as orphic tradition, avant-garde and modernsim, surrealism and the outsider definition. But the primary aim of my essay is to focus on what message the poet conveys to the readers. In my opinion, many of Öijer's poems are about finding one self through listening to one's inner world. My thesis is that Öijer has reform plans for the human beings and the world. Öijer's poems are about the New man who listens to his inner world and who sees through the power of commercialism and politicians' authority. The New man is the only one who can make our planet a better place. My thesis is based on Carl Gustav Jung's psychology, which focal point is that the human being is going through several metamorphoses in life. Jung calls his theory the individuation process. I will also discuss Jung's theory about the visionary poem. I find Öijer's poem Från En Demons Båge - fyra filmmonologer a poem which gives the readers a glimps into another world that we today can't comprehend.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2009. , p. 51
Keywords [sv]
Bruno K. Öijer, poesi, orfiskt diktarideal, avantgarde, modernism, surrealism, outsider, Carl Gustav Jung, drömmar, indivduationsprocessen, den visionära dikten
National Category
General Literature Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-3895OAI: oai:DiVA.org:sh-3895DiVA, id: diva2:354387
2009-06-03, Södertörns högskola, Huddinge, 11:01 (Swedish)
Humanities, Theology
2010-10-012010-10-012010-10-01Bibliographically approved