To succeed, a word that can be interpreted in many different ways. In this thesis the authorshave highlighted the word succeed with success. There has been a case study of twocompanies, which managed to penetrate a competitive market which is still under expansion.These brands are popular and maintain a high standard. Boomerang and Vagabond are twoSwedish companies which not only managed to penetrate the Swedish market, but also aninternational market. These are two Swedish companies which started from scratch as anyother company. Two companies which after a time proven their qualities and successfulstandout from the crowd. These companies succeed with a strong competitive effect ofeliminating other companies, by a passionate faith and a strong desire to succeed, build brandsthat are in demand after a desirable audience. The thesis concluded that the main customerloyalty, being early on the market, building a strong relationship with their clients and aconstantly updating existing collection range were factors that were most important. Theperception of the brand change constantly and for a company is to always be able to adapt tonew requirements. The construction of a brand will not be for free, but it needs hard slog,good timing and a unique idea. Interestingly, buying process today is not done under the samepremise as it did before. A product is no longer purchased for its practical capacity. Nowadayspeople purchase a brand, a symbol that stands for something, which must reflect the personand personality. This is an important factor for companies to recognize and adapt to. Thosebrands that succeed in capturing interest and communicate values to consumers are thosesurviving brands.