Engaging with psychosocial studies and critical theory, this paper takes its starting point in the death of 72 migrants, many of whom were children, off the Italian coast in late February 2023 to explore “infanticide” as a defining feature of European late modernity. Theoretically, the paper is inspired by psychoanalyst Pierre Bayard’s notion of the ubiquity of hatred against children, and psychoanalyst Melanie Klein’s concepts of the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions, which are combined with the works of antiracist and queer/trans scholars to explore hatred against racialised and trans children at a societal level. Through the exploration of recent cases of migrant death and threats against trans children in Europe, the paper shows how contemporary Europe can be understood to oscillate between hatred against and the murder of (some) children, and at other occasions opens up for mourning these deaths and creating bonds of solidarity beyond racism and transphobia.