The aim of this study is to investigate where young people in Sweden encounter life questions in a country that is secularized and where many struggle with their mental health. The study also investigates what impact this encounter with life questions has to young peoples mental health. Lastly the study discusses what space this subject gets in the Swedish religious education. In order to answer the questions this study is about; interviews were held with six different students of high school education in Sweden. They were interviewed about where they encounter life questions and they also got questions about where they search for answers and explanations to their life questions.
No student had a religious background, but they did in some instances believe there is something bigger in the world. Something that can give them purpose to what happens after death or give them some sort of deeper meaning to life to cope with their life questions that they do not find answers to. The interviewed students then got to reflect about how their search for answers affect their mental wellbeing in a time when many young people in Sweden struggle with their mental health. They also got to reflect about if schools could have taught them more about how to cope with difficult life questions and if they needed more time to work with these skills. The results showed that young people in Sweden are affected by their search for answers to their life questions. It seems that few has gotten the skills they need to cope with life questions that has no clear answers and that seems also to be a reason to young peoples struggle with their mental health in Sweden.