This chapter examines and analyzes students’ learning about aspects of the concept of multiplication with a focus on perceptions and representations, and how they apply this to handling multiplicative situations and patterns in the multiplication tables. The analysis has been performed in the context of the generalization process related to teaching activities, with a focus on students’ perception of multiplication. The theoretical approach is based on Davydov’s (1990) view of theoretical generalization as a perception-conception-elementary concept (PCE model). The current mathematical content was classified according to: (1) multiplicative structures (Vergnaud, 1983);and (2) basic laws of algebra (van der Waerden, 1971). The relationship between students’ learning and the teaching process was studied in order to identify students’ learning in action. The study comprises two teachers and 40 students in two classes in grade 3 and was followed up two years later in grade 5 with one teacher and 25 students. The findings of this study can provide knowledge about students’ learning about multiplication using structures and multiplication tables in a conceptual context.