The Argentinean wine sector experienced several over production or financial crises’ sincethe late 19th Century. Exports therefore might have been a regular option for survival, butthese have until now been neglected by researchers. In the case of Chile, exports have beenknown, but have not attracted too much interest, because very few scholars have had anyinterest in the history of the wine sector. This essay aims to make a purely empiricalcontribution with previously unknown sources about Swedish imports of wines fromArgentina and Chile. The article contains a full presentation of available primary sources onthe imports of wines from Argentina and Chile in Sweden before 1955. Even though it is notpossible to offer full answers with such a scarce material the article describes the economicwindow opened up in Sweden during the Second World War. Some of the questionsanswered are: How did the economic window in Sweden open up and close down? Howmuch wine from Argentina and Chile was imported and consumed? Which wines wereimported and consumed? Who produced these wines?