Marknadsföringens utveckling på sociala medier: En studie baserat på både en kvalitativ samt en kvantitativ undersökning om utvecklingen marknadsföring har haft på sociala medier och vilken påverkan covid-19 pandemin haft
2022 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [sv]
This study examines how digital marketing with a focus on social media has been affected in recent years and mainly after the covid-19 pandemic and how it in turn is also affected by e-commerce. Applied theories that are relevant to the purpose of the investigation have been used such as word of mouth, the advertising value model and inbound marketing. In order to investigate the purpose, it has been started from investigating from the perspective of entrepreneurs as well as the perspective of consumers, by conducting qualitative semi-structured interviews with two entrepreneurs who use marketing via social media. Then a quantitative survey was collected with answers from 100 respondents who live in Sweden and use social media on a daily basis.
The result was that traditional marketing has decreased while digital marketing mainly on social media has increased sharply. In connection with the increased digital marketing, the activity on social media with consumers have also increased proportionally. The respondents also noted that they noticed the increased use of social media and marketing via these platforms in connection with the covid-19 pandemic. This relocated marketing has been difficult for some companies but also creates opportunities for the majority of companies.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2022. , p. 50
Keywords [en]
Social media, digitalization, marketing, covid-19, e-commerce
Keywords [sv]
Social media, digitalisering, marknadsföring, covid-19, e-handel
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-51158OAI:, id: diva2:1742246
Subject / course
Business Studies
2023-03-102023-03-082023-03-10Bibliographically approved