Covid-19 has meant that important societal functions such as high schools have been affected and have needed to adapt from traditional teaching to distance education. The reason why this study is needed is the lack of research and knowledge about how Swedish high school teachers and the school management has been affected by covid-19. The purpose of this study is to investigate the high school teachers psychosocial work environment in distance education during covid-19 and the school management’s role and significance for the teachers work environment. The main questions in this study are to investigate how high school teachers have experienced their psychosocial work environment, which effects the psychosocial work environment has had on their wellbeing and which role the school management has had in the teachers work environment.
This study applies theories from Rubenowitz “five requirements for a good psychosocial work environment”, KASAM and Demand-Control-Support Model. The study is based on 15 interviews where the results have been analyzed using a Thematic Analysis Method.
The results show that the high school teachers experience a positive psychosocial work environment due to the good relationship with the school management. One important part of the result is the influence and autonomy the teachers have in their daily work. The disadvantages in the teacher’s psychosocial work environment are related to the reduced social contact with both colleagues and students. An important observation in the results show the teachers wellbeing have been affected negatively due to the reduced student contact. The results shows also that the school management have had to be available, flexible and have needed to provide support to the teachers since distance work has had a negative effect on their social contact.