Značenje i metaforizacija glagola zvučne percepcije u engleskom jeziku: hear, listen, obey
2009 (Serbian)In: Prilozi proučavanju jezika, ISSN 0555-1137, Vol. 40, p. 65-77Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [sr]
U ovom radu se, u svetlu objedinjenog istorijsko-semantičkog i kognitivnog pristupa jeziku, razmatraju značenja i oblici semantičke promene osnovnih glagola zvučne percepcije u engleskom: hear, listen i obey (dijahrono značenje). Ovi glagoli se najpre kontrastiraju sa njihovim srpskim ekvivalentima u pogledu sadašnjeg i pređašnjih značenja, kako bi se ovaj problem razmotrio na sveobuhvatniji način. Кao glavni oblik semantičke promene ističe se metaforizacija, koja se u ovom radu posmatra iz više uglova. Кod glagola zvučne percepcije, ‘panhronijski’ gledano, metaforizacija ima čvrstu kognitivnu podlogu i uzroke koji proističu iz same prirode ljudskog uma, što znatno povećava mogućnosti za razmatranje ovog fenomena kao univerzalnog.
Abstract [en]
In the light of a combined historical-semantic and cognitive approach to language, this paper overviews the meanings of the basic auditory perception verbs in English – hear, listen and obey (in its historical sense) – and explores the forms of their semantic change. In order to get a broader picture, these verbs are firstly compared to their Serbian translation equivalents, with regard to their current and obsolete meanings. This comparison leads to the conclusion that the main vehicle of the semantic change of these verbs is metaphorization and this process is then approached in several ways. Panchronically speaking, this kind of metaphorization has a firm cognitive grounding, which stems from the very nature of the human mind. In turn, this fact broadens the possibilities of seeing this process as universal.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad , 2009. Vol. 40, p. 65-77
Keywords [en]
Metaphorization, Auditory perception verbs, Historical semantics, Cognitive semantics, Panchronic studies
Keywords [sr]
Metaforizacija, Glagoli zvučne percepcije, Istorijska semantika, Kognitivna semantika, Panhronija
National Category
Specific Languages
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-50647OAI: oai:DiVA.org:sh-50647DiVA, id: diva2:1727036
2023-01-142023-01-142023-01-19Bibliographically approved