This paper analyses the errors which emerge in the process of interpreting literally translated English idioms. The idioms interpreted are of the visuo-spatial kind and all of them refer to a body part. Although the idioms were literally translated into Serbian, the level of understanding that the subjects showed when interpreting their meaning was rather high. In case they misinterpreted them, quite frequently there was still a valid background for their shifted interpretation, be it visual, spatial, bodily, cultural or related to the subjects’ mother tongue. These misinterpretations and changed meanings within them will be the focus of this paper. The shifted meanings in most cases reveal the actual steps that led the subjects towards their conclusions. These steps include various visuo-spatial configurations, common beliefs linked to body parts, metonymy, pronoun usage, etc. In turn, this might reveal some facets of the conceptualization of visuo-spatial metaphorical expressions, regardless of the language they originate from.