The article discusses fictive motion in coextension paths in Serbian and a possible reverse conceptual transfer in translating from English (L2) to Serbian (L1). In investigating the phenomenon, we have devised an English (L2) to Serbian (L1) translation questionnaire for Serbian learners of English to examine contrastively the conceptualization and encoding of coextension paths in English (L2) and Serbian (L1) and the processing of coextension paths in translating from L2 to L1. The presence of fictive motion in both languages implies its pervasiveness, but the frequency of individual verbs in Serbian points to the fact that certain motion verbs are rather restricted in their fictive motion usage, while English fictive motion expressions allow for a wider variety of verbs. This indicates that encoding coextension paths in Serbian is rather constrained in motion verbs usage, which should be an important distinction to follow in restraining reverse conceptual transfer.