In 2018 the second season of renewed underwater archaeological research in the bay in front of the mouth of the Ropotamo River was held. Two 5 x 5 m trenches were explored at a depth of 1.2 m, in which materials from the Ottoman period to the Pre-Roman era were found (Fig. 1). The numerous findings from the historic periods are interpreted as accumulation in harbour used intensively in the past. In the western half of the studied area a trench 2.5 m by 8.0 m was made, reaching a depth at the bottom of more than 2.5 m (Fig. 2 – 3). In this trench the remains of the underlying Early Bronze Age (EBA) settlement were studied. Eleven vertically placed wooden posts (Fig. 2.4), handmade ceramics and pieces of burned clay were found. Nine 14C samples were taken from 3 wooden posts that dated the Ropotamo EBA settlement in the transition between the 4th and the 3th mill. BC (3080 – 2970 cal. BC (95.4% probability) or 3070 – 3000 cal. BC (68.2% probability).