Renewable energy technique is increasing in popularity and usage. But the world´s current energy consumption is extensively uneven, and 1,6 billion people still live without access to electricity. The domestic work in rural areas is often very time and energy consuming; fetching water alone can take up to 5 hours or more per day. Due to gender inequality, women are the most responsible for the drudgery household work in rural areas in developing countries. Hence, women are more and worsely affected from the lack of access to electricity than men. Access to electricity can reduce the time consuming domestic chores with several hours per day. It can also benefit women´s empowerment, because all the extra time can provide new possibilities and freedoms. Rural women´s electricity needs are summarized by ENERGIA and UNDP. The needs can be divided in; mills for grinding, water pumps, indoor and street lighting and power for TV, radio, small enterprises etc. Solar power is an interesting alternative since it functions just as good off-grid and can be quickly installed. Solar powered waterpumps are a very good alternative whilst solar grinding mills are too cost intensive. Solar power provides affordable indoor and street lighting alternatives, thus street lighting can vary greatly in price. Solar power works good with smaller loads which requires constant power, such as a small refrigerator or a radio. The larger the loads, the greater the expences, so for large enterprices solar power is not yet a viable option. Hence, access to electricity is not enough, empowerment is just as important for women in order to actually gain more freedoms instead of more working hours due to extended hours of evening light.