The purpose of this study is to analyze preschool educators' perceptions of the concept of teaching from individuals to work for a team. Through interviews with four educators consisting of a team, the study focuses on the phenomenal field to study similarities and differences in how educators experience the outside world concerning the concept of teaching and what factors influence their perceptions of a common view in teaching. The different perceptions are described as different distinct qualities where the phenomenal graphic study intends to describe the result of several different ways of experiencing something where the perceptions are the focus. The study shows that a change to the concept of teaching with a focus on previous research has taken place on positive grounds. Furthermore, the study shows that all educators 'ability to be affected and changed to the concept of teaching is strongly linked to steering documents as much as for educators' perceptions and previous experiences regarding the concept of teaching. Also, the study shows that educators 'perception is linked to the educators' view of each other's teaching practice. The content of the concept becomes a central point of departure and shows the factors that guide perceptions from individual to work for a team. The result shows that co-teaching in the work team in which the pursuit of a common vision is demanded sets the individual perception aside and greater space is given to the steering documents. Finally, in combination with the children in focus and other school regulations that the preschool must follow, the study shows that educators are constantly making choices in their views about teaching. It is like a direction of travel to choose some path and take responsibility for the consequences.