The aim for this study is to examine the educational material Sex- och samlevnadsundervsining i särskola (2014), directed to teachers in schools for children with disabilities. The material is produced by Skolverket (the Swedish National Agency for Education) and aim to support teachers in their sexuality education classes. This study examines how the material manages discourses regarding sexuality, heteronormativity and gender for students with disabilities. The material is also being compared with another educational material by Skolverket aimed for teachers in primary school. It is a qualitative study that is conducted with the method of a critical discourse analysis, through the perspective of crip theory and queer temporality, both developed within queer theory. The result of the studies shows, among other things, that Skolverket applies a norm-critical perspective in the material through a normats point of view, and by that means maintains the dichotomy between normat and disabled. Skolverket is also contributing to discourses regarding social norms, such as what is “right” and “wrong”, which can limit the students from exploring their sexuality.