What did you learn at leisure-time center today?
This essay is about the learning of children at leisure-time centers. Our questions are: Can the leisure-time center supplement the school´s teaching? How can we clarify what we teach the children? What room is there for the kind of knowledge that is not easily measured? The starting point is two different situations from our workdays. One is about the question from a school principal who was looking for documentation on what the children are learning at the leisure-time center. The other one emenates from a child who is in need of extra support, where we belive that the leisure-time centers can be a good complement to the formal education in school.
We have used different kinds of theories, quite a bit of literature and also our long-time experience from working at leisure-time centers, to deepen our questioning. To present our investigation, we chose to write an essay because the configuration is suitable to use when the questionings are of a dilemma character and does not have a clear answer.
Keywords: knowledge, assessment, social relationships, informal learning, leisure-time center.