The aim of this study is to examine the climate issue. More precisely climate demonstrations around the world with emphasis on the people who participates in them. The study also aims to understand why these people choose to take part in the demonstrations. Also, if there is a difference in motives between the people who participate in relation to when they are born. The material this study is examining is based on several demonstrations around the world in different countries and different cities. The material was collected between 2009 and 2013 at different demonstrations that concerned the subject of climate in some way. The result of the study shows some support for the theoretical frame that was used but it also shed some light on the fact that the result also perhaps is not strong enough to generalize to the rest of the population. The study shows that there is some difference between generations and their motives to participate in the demonstrations although they are not very big differences. The study did however have some problems with the theory and its ability to apply to the studies participants and shed light on possible studies in the future.