The aim of this study was to investigate how district nurses work with their emotions and how they experience their discretion and stress in the workplace. To answer the study's purpose and questions, a qualitative method was used in the form of six semi-structured interviews with district nurses. The study is based on theories of emotional work and street-levelbureaucracy.
The study results show that the district nurses organize their emotions in a number of different ways and through different strategies, such as through deep and superficial emotional action. The most common strategies that are used by district nurses to manage their emotions are both mental and work-related management systems. Furthermore, the results show that the districtnurses experience a large discretion when performing a medical assessment and when prioritizing patient visits. Furthermore, the results show that the district nurses' discretion isnot limited by regulations, but it is the lack of time that limits their room for discretion andwhich leads to stress experiences. This problem is addressed by all district nurses through theuse of different management systems.