Den maskulina sjuksköterskan: Diskursiv konstruktion av maskulinitet i relation till ett feminint fält
2019 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
This undergraduate thesis is written for an ethnological standpoint with the purpose of studying how concepts of masculinity is discursively constructed in relation to the women dominated work field of nursing. This is done by analysing the material gained from six interviews with male and female nurses with the poststructuralist theory of political discourse by the theorist Laclau and Mouffe. By doing this the thesis has concluded that masculinity is foremost constructed in relation to the nursing femininity within the work field and the strong masculinity from outside of it. While also being interconnected in systems of meaning where masculinity is created, reproduced and questioned in a continual cycle.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2019. , p. 43
Keywords [en]
Masculinity, Manliness, Gender, Sex, Nurse, Female dominated field, Political discourse
Keywords [sv]
Maskulinitet, Manlighet, Genus, Kön, Sjuksköterska, Kvinnodominerat, Politisk diskursteori
National Category
Gender Studies Ethnology
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-38459OAI:, id: diva2:1328811
Subject / course
Humanities, Theology
2019-06-242019-06-232019-06-24Bibliographically approved