This work is a study with the question What are important qualities within a dialogue system for RPG games? About dialogue systems in RPG games to try to identify important qualities to find out what it is that creates a good dialogue system. In the background, research on dialogue systems, dialogues with NPCs, other forms of dialogue systems and game design is observed. The study resulted in a ready-made analysis model that can be used for RPG games within the same genre and a number of important attributes that a dialogue system should have in order to be defined as good.
The question is answered using a content analysis of three RPG games, selected with the help of an expert panel consisting of skilled in the field, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, Oxenfree and Life is Strange. In order to analyze the results of the content analysis, previous research and theories like agency, the Eliza effect and what will be called Freemans techniques have been used to form an analysis model that has been used to carry out a content analysis. The result shows both similarities and differences in the dialogue between different games within the genre RPG-games. A good dialogue system contains qualities that have a good level of agency to give the player the opportunity to choose what the character should say to create emotions. Also opportunities not to participate in a dialogue was found extra interesting as several games do not have that option. The game's dialogue should be perceived as complex, realistic and personal to the player so that it can be taken seriously and convincingly create emotions.