Vad är religion och vem får definiera den?: En studie av religionskunskapsundervisning i årskurs 4 – 6
2018 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this study is to examine what aspects of religion and what/whose perspectives emerge in RE lessons in Swedish elementary school. Following questions have been formulated to frame the work: How do teachers teach about religion in grades 4 – 6? What aspects of the concept of religion are highlighted in the field of RE in grades 4 – 6? What perspectives are highlighted in the field of RE in grades 4 – 6?To answer these questions, field studies have been made and the material is based mainly on observations of four RE lessons in four different classrooms. In addition to the observation notes, educational material has been collected and analysed. Some earlier studies by Holmqvist Lindh, Moulin, and Kittelmann Flensner, also play an important part in the analysis, as they have contributed with relevant results, placing my work in a wider context. Jackson’s interpretive approach and Smart’s seven dimensions of religion have been used as theoretical framework.The results varied a lot but showed that the most common dimensions of religion appearing during the observed RE lessons were the dogmatic and the ritual, followed by the narrative. Emotional and social dimensions, on the other hand, were nearly invisible. The content was mostly held on a general level, mainly dealing with an outsider’s perspective on religion. Yet, sometimes the teachers also endeavoured to show internal differences in religious traditions.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2018. , p. 66
Keywords [en]
RE, Religion Education, Religious Education, teaching religion, dimensions of religion, the interpretive approach, interculturality, multiculturality, grades 4 – 6, elementary school
Keywords [sv]
Religionskunskap, religionsdidaktik, religionsdimensioner, tolkningsmodellen, interkulturalitet, mångkulturalitet, årskurs 4 – 6, grundskolan
National Category
Educational Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-35564OAI:, id: diva2:1216151
Subject / course
The Study of Religions
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
2018-06-112018-06-112018-06-11Bibliographically approved