How post-processing effects imitating camera artifacts affect the perceived realism and aesthetics of digital game graphics
2018 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Hur post-processing effekter som imiterar kamera-artefakter påverkar den uppfattade realismen och estetiken hos digital spelgrafik (Swedish)
Abstract [en]
This study investigates how post-processing effects affect the realism and aesthetics of digital game graphics. Four focus groups explored a digital game environment and were exposed to various post-processing effects. During qualitative interviews these focus groups were asked questions about their experience and preferences and the results were analysed. The results can illustrate some of the different pros and cons with these popular post-processing effects and this could help graphical artists and game developers in the future to use this tool (post-processing effects) as effectively as possible.
Abstract [sv]
Denna studie undersöker hur post-processing effekter påverkar realismen och estetiken hos digital spelgrafik. Fyra fokusgrupper utforskade en digital spelmiljö medan olika post-processing effekter exponerades för dem. Under kvalitativa fokusgruppsintervjuer fick de frågor angående deras upplevelser och preferenser och detta resultat blev sedan analyserat. Resultatet kan ge en bild av de olika för- och nackdelarna som finns med dessa populära post-processing effekter och skulle möjligen kunna hjälpa grafiker och spelutvecklare i framtiden att använda detta verktyg (post-processing effekter) så effektivt som möjligt.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2018. , p. 29
Keywords [en]
post-processing effects, 3D graphics, image enhancement, qualitative study, focus groups, realism, aesthetics
Keywords [sv]
post-processing effekter, 3D-grafik, bildförbättring, kvalitativ studie, fokusgrupper, realism, estetik
National Category
Media and Communication Technology
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-34888OAI:, id: diva2:1201164
Subject / course
Media Technology
2018-04-252018-04-242018-04-25Bibliographically approved