The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes towards organ donation and the importance of different factors for an individual’s decision to donate organs. The study was conducted with data which was gathered using a self-developed questionnaire and then analyzed in IBM SPSS Statistics 24. The factors studied where education, age, gender, religiosity, if the respondent was working with healthcare and whether the respondents had experience of organ donation in their propinquity. Among the totally 1098 respondents the attitude towards organ donation was overall very positive and 77,7 percent of the respondents stated that they were already registered to an organ donation register. The study found that the two most influential factors leading to a positive attitude where the experience of a close relative who had received organ donation and that the respondent was working with healthcare.
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka attityderna till organdonation och vilka faktorer som påverkar attityden. Studien utfördes med egeninsamlade data från enkätinsamlingar och analyserades sedan i IBM SPSS Statistics 24. Faktorerna som undersöktes var utbildning, ålder, kön, religiositet, om respondenten var yrkesverksam inom sjukvården och erfarenhet av organdonation i hens närhet. Bland de 1098 respondenterna var det var över lag en mycket positiv attityd till organdonation och 77,7 procent av respondenterna angav att de var anmälda till ett organdonationsregister. Faktorerna som visade sig vara de viktigaste till den positiva attityden till organdonation var att en närstående mottagit organdonation och att respondenten var yrkesverksam inom sjukvården.