The aim of this study is to look into educators’ view on dance in preschools based on their interpretations of the curriculum for the preschool and their experiences of the field. The questions asked in this study were how does the educators interpret a specific goal of ambition in the curriculum for the preschool where dance is mentioned as one of many forms of expressions, how does the educators work with dance in the preschools and which are the educators opinions about dance in relation to learning and development. To collect material for this study qualitative interviews were performed with educators who work with dance in the preschool. The results were analysed with a socio-cultural perspective on learning and the theory of multiple intelligences.The results showed that the educators mean that dance is very useful in the preschool. Dance stimulate children’s need of movement and the joy of movement, but it’s also a way of expressing thoughts, feelings and experiences. According to the educators the focus in their work with dance in preschools is to use the body for exploration, create their own way of dancing and develop the sensation and perception of the movement rather than how it looks.The specific goal of ambition in the curriculum for the preschool where dance is being mentioned as one of many forms of expressions the educators interpret as that the preschool should give opportunities for children to explore many ways of expressions, where dance can be one of them. In the preschools dance occur as dance lessons as well as a part of gatherings or just spontaneously, indoors and outdoors.The educators declare that dance supports development in many ways. It can help in strengthening ones self-confidence and trust in ones abilities but also help the development in for example mathematics, language and natural science. The educators accents that dance also has an intrinsic value, that it generates joy and is an additional way of social interaction.