The aim of this paper is to examine how social structures and thoughts around age, class and race relate to personal ads in the local newspaper Mitt i Botkyrka. Based on Pia Laskars postcolonial theory, Beverly Skegs theory on respectability and Lars Anderssons theory on ageism I am going to explore how the advertisers of the personal ads describe themselves and what they seek in a partner. It is within these discriptions, both in regard of themselves and their requested partner, that one can uncover the underlying qualifications of who might be viewed as desireble. What a person must live up to in order to be deemed desirable is not a matter of personal prefrence and through an analysis of these criteria structures regarding class, age and race can become visible. With the help of the theories and Norman Faircloughs three-dimensional model I am going to discuss how these discourses shape our thoughts around what one should desire.