The following is a study into the importance of "free play". Through interviews- and study into research in child psychology and different theories of interaction I aim to reach a conclusion as to whether the occurrence of "free play" has a fundamental importance in the development of the preschool child. Interviews have been formed to address the adult reflections in relation to play, and addresses the views and opinions as to what extent the adult should merely supervise or partake and thus steer the outcome of play. A question is also formed to determine the omni-importance of play. The interviews have been conducted with 6 adults responsible for children in pre-school institutions. The interviewees are employed at three separate locations. The study looks into several theoretical perspectives and thus also draws its conclusions from these. The perspectives and research are studied under method, and comparison of answers are noted in results and analysis. The most important outcome of the study is that all are in agreeance that play has a huge importance to the children's both physical and social development, thus enabling the child for future engagements in adulthood.