The ambition of the study Nyanser av beroende is to analyze and problematize the concept of addiction. A broader aim is to investigate if it in the Swedish population exists different patterns of addiction and how these patterns then look like.
The empirical material constitutes of Negativa konsekvenser av ANDT-bruk i den svenska vuxna befolkningen 2014. The selection consists of 26 257 individuals with a response rate of 59, 3 percent (N=15 576). The individuals that at some time during the last year used any narcotic substance and fulfilled at least one of the addiction criterias in the diagnose manual DSM-IV are subjects to the analysis (N=560). By the analyze method of Latent klassanalys (LCA), patterns of addiction have been investigated. The theoretical framework consists of medical and social addiction theory. This to see how different patterns of addiction comply with the medical and social perspectives that can be found in DSM-IV.
In the latent class analysis, four different groups with different patterns of addiction are identified: Kontrollförlust, Försökt minska intag, Hard core gruppen och Tolerans. The group’s patterns have further on been connected with sociodemographic factors and substance use. The result of this study indicate that addiction is not a homogeneous concept but that there are differences concerning patterns of use and sociodemographic factors.