Under de senaste åren har en stor mängd nyanlända barn kommit till Sverige som flyktingar. En hel del har skrivits och debatterats kring hur det påverkar skolan. I denna uppsats har jag valt att undersöka hur fritidshemmen anpassar sin verksamhet för att hantera nyanlända elever samt hur de arbetar med trygghetsskapande och språkutveckling? Studien har gjorts genom intervjuer på två fritidsavdelningar på en skola i Stockholm som tagit emot nyanlända elever som inte talar svenska. Resultatet visar att fritidshemmet inte arbetat efter någon specifik modell. En modell som skulle kunna användas som grund i fritidshemmens arbete med nyanlända elever är STOP-modellen.
During the last years many new refugees have arrived in Sweden, many of these are children. In media there has been many debates on how this would affect the schools in general. In this thesis I have chosen to examine how the schools recreation centres adopt their operations to cope with the newly arrived pupils with a starting point in the official curriculum. The study is based on interviews at two school recreation centres in Stockholm who have received newly arrived pupils who do not speak Swedish. The result shows that the recreational centres have not really used any specific model to plan their operations. One model that could be used by the recreational centres and their work with newly arrived pupils is the so-called STOP-model.