Att sälja in den ideella idrottsföreningen internt: En studie om den interna marknadsföringen hos Stockholms friidrottsföreningar
2015 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
The people of Sweden have a long history of being engaged in sport organizations. Recently though, a decline of participation in sport organizations has been detected.
The Swedish society has evolved immensely lately and with it new marketing techniques, new communication tools and new values have seen the light of day. The thesis of this study is to examine how non-profit sport organizations function in the areas of organizational culture, internal communication, consumer surplus and branding.
The theories have been selected to provide background knowledge in the different functioning areas of an organization and to see how they cooperate in order to make marketing efforts more effective.
The primary data has been collected with the use of semi structured interviews with representatives from the participating organizations. Additional primary data has been collected in the form of observations of published digital posts from the organizations communicational channels, to complement the data received in the interviews.
The result shows that the principles of non-profit sports organizations are outdated and therefore differs from the rest of the society. The prevailing culture is one whom focuses primary on performance. This is reflected in their communication where the digital communication is somewhat neglected whilst the verbal forms of communication are highly developed. The only area where the involvement of members is coherent is in the context of performance.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2015. , p. 69
Keywords [en]
Non-profit organization, organizational culture, consumer surplus, intra-organizational communication, branding
Keywords [sv]
Ideell förening, organisationskultur, intern kommunikation, konsumentmervärde, varumärke
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-28080OAI:, id: diva2:847218
Subject / course
Business Studies
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
2015-08-192015-08-192015-08-19Bibliographically approved