Reticulocyte lysates contain ribosome-bound and free populations of 5S RNA. The free population is sensitive to nuclease cleavage in the internal loop B, at the phosphodiester bond connecting nucleotides A54 and A55. Similar cleavage sites were detected in 5S rRNA in 60S subunits and 80S ribosomes. However, 5S rRNA in reticulocyte polysomes is insensitive to cleavage unless ribosomes are salt-washed. This suggests that a translational factor protects the backbone surrounding A54 from cleavage in polysomes. Upon nuclease treatment of mouse 60S subunits or reticulocyte lysates a small population of ribosomes released its 5S rRNA together with ribosomal protein L5. Furthermore, rRNA sequences from 5.8S, 28S and 18S rRNA were released. In 18S rRNA the sequences mainly originate from the 630 loop and stem (helix 18) in the 5' domain, whereas in 28S rRNA a majority of fragments is derived from helices 47 and 81 in domains III and V, respectively. We speculate that this type of rRNA-fragmentation may mimic a ribosome degradation pathway.