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Tankar om pedagogrollen: en vetenskaplig essä om vad som utmärker en god pedagog i dagens förskola
Södertörns högskola, Lärarutbildningen.
2011 (svensk)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgaveAlternativ tittel
Thoughts about the Teacher role : – a Scientific Essay on what Makes a Good Preschool Teacher Today (engelsk)
Abstract [en]

In this essay I reflect on what makes a good preschool teacher today. I discuss the importance of education, the importance of experience and practical knowledge, but also the importance of capacity for self-reflection and listening. I bring up examples from my workplace, where some think more about their limitations than on what and how much they actually can. Others are more satisfied by what they can and see less of their limits. Some are also lack of the will to see differently and to do changes. We also have different perceptions of the norms and values enshrined in our childhood. What we're from, our various social, cultural and an ethnic background also plays a role in the understanding and the interpretations we make in various situations. I discuss the teacher as a profession and the importance of education, that it is not enough only with experience, it needs to be supplemented with educational and theoretical knowledge to assess, identify, weigh and deliberate well to act as needed in the present moment. Teacher is about to be. Being a good teacher in practice, have practical knowledge. I also discuss the importance of self-reflection. Without the mirror it is only a mirror image without a reflective approach. The good teacher, the more I think, the more I realize that there is no simple answer.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2011. , s. 30
Emneord [en]
preschool, preschool teacher, approach, practical knowledge, the capable child
Emneord [sv]
förskola, pedagogrollen, förhållningssätt, praktisk kunskap, Det kompetenta barnet
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-14547OAI:, id: diva2:474713
Fag / kurs
Education Studies
Social and Behavioural Science, Law
Tilgjengelig fra: 2012-01-11 Laget: 2012-01-09 Sist oppdatert: 2012-01-11bibliografisk kontrollert

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  • sodertorns-hogskola-harvard.csl
  • sodertorns-hogskola-oxford.csl
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