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Distribution of denitrifiers predicted by correlative niche modeling of changing environmental conditions and future climatic scenarios across the Baltic Sea
Södertörn University, School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies, Environmental Science. Södertörn University, Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), Baltic & East European Graduate School (BEEGS).ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5636-3957
University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6698-4933
University of Ha'il, Saudi Arabia.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2904-4520
University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia.
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2023 (English)In: Ecological Informatics, ISSN 1574-9541, E-ISSN 1878-0512, Vol. 78, article id 102346Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Denitrifying microbial communities provide an important ecosystem function in aquatic systems. Yet, knowledge on predictive and modeling of these complex and changing communities is limited. The emergently challenging question of how the geographical distribution of denitrifiers responds to ongoing and future environmental change is not yet fully understood. In our study we use metadata-based correlative niche modeling to analyze the geographical distribution of selected putative denitrifiers in the genus Sphingomonas, Mycoplana, Shewanella, and Alteromonas at different predicted environmental conditions and future climatic scenarios across the Baltic Sea. Using the predictive power of an ensemble modeling approach and eight different machine-learning algorithms, habitat suitability and the distribution of the selected denitrifiers were evaluated using geophysical and bioclimatic variables, benthic conditions, and four Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) trajectories of future global warming scenarios. All algorithms provided successful prediction capabilities both for variable importance, and for habitat suitability with Area Under the Curve (AUC) values between 0.89 and 1.00. Model findings revealed that salinity and nitrate concentrations significantly explained the variation in distribution of the selected denitrifiers. Rising temperatures of 0.8 to 1.8 °C at future RCP60–2050 trajectories are predicted to diminish or eliminate the bioclimatic suitable habitats for denitrifier distributions across the Baltic Sea. Multi-collated terrestrial and marine environmental variables contributed to the successful prediction of denitrifier distributions within the study area. The correlative niche modeling approach with high AUC values presented in the study allowed for accurate projections of the future distributions of the selected denitrifiers. The modeling approach can be used to improve our understanding of how ongoing and predicted future environmental changes may affect habitat suitability for organisms with denitrification capacity across the Baltic Sea.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2023. Vol. 78, article id 102346
Keywords [en]
Climate change, Benthic conditions, Ensemble modeling, Habitat suitability, Machine-learning, Multi-collated variables
National Category
Environmental Sciences
Research subject
Environmental Studies; Baltic and East European studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-52629DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2023.102346ISI: 001109366700001Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85176443244OAI:, id: diva2:1810363
Part of project
Response and recovery of benthic biodiversity and ecosystem functions to chemical pollution and eutrophication, The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies, 77/2017Available from: 2023-11-07 Created: 2023-11-07 Last updated: 2024-09-02Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Aquatic ecosystem function and environmental change across spatial scales
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Aquatic ecosystem function and environmental change across spatial scales
2024 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
Akvatiska ekosystemfunktioner och miljöförändringar över rumsliga skalor
Abstract [en]

Microbial communities comprise immense diversity, mediating numerous ecosystem functions such as nitrogen transformation in aquatic ecosystems. Yet, how microbial communities and ecosystem functions respond to changes in environmental conditions at different spatial scales in aquatic habitats is not fully understood. This thesis investigates the effect of changes in environmental conditions at different spatial scales on Baltic Sea microbial diversity and nitrogen transformation, specifically denitrification, with a focus on biodiversity-ecosystem function relationship. Two spatial scale settings were examined. A small spatial scale setting was examined with experimental mesocosms of benthic sediment of different salinity and dissolved oxygen levels and at different spatial arrangements, and an incubation experiment conducted with benthic sediments from two different aquatic habitats enriched with 15N nitrate isotope. Microbial diversity, denitrification gene transcript abundances, and potential denitrification rate were analyzed. At a large spatial scale of the Baltic Sea benthic and coastal seascape, a metadata-based modeling approach was employed to investigate how current environmental conditions and future climatic change scenarios affect the predicted spatial distribution of key taxa of denitrifiers and nitrogen-fixing filamentous cyanobacteria. Results showed that salinity and dissolved oxygen levels significantly influenced denitrification capacity, according to analyses of transcript abundances of nirS and nosZ genes, which was mainly driven by habitat environmental conditions rather than habitat spatial arrangement. Bacterial community composition in experimental mesocosms was significantly affected by salinity. Findings from the small scale mesocosms experiments indicate that salinity can be an important driver of microbial denitrification capacity and affect microbial diversity in studied mesocosms. At large coastal and seascape scales, multi-realm environmental variables from both marine and terrestrial domains had significant impacts on the predicted distribution of the studied microbial taxa. The predicted distribution under different global warming trajectories indicated that rising temperatures in year2050 and 2100 risk reducing the current bio-climatically suitable areas of the studied denitrifiers and filamentous cyanobacteria across the Baltic Sea. The studies with experimental mesocosms and modeling approaches presented in this thesis contribute knowledge and novel predictions on the spatial response of ecosystem function and microbial communities to ongoing and future environmental changes in the Baltic Sea.

Abstract [sv]

Östersjön genomgår stora miljöförändringar vilka förväntas påverka dess kustnära ekosystemfunktioner. Många ekosystemfunktioner, däribland kvävetransformation i akvatiska ekosystem, förmedlas av mikrobiella samhällen. Hur förändringar i miljöförhållanden i akvatiska livsmiljöer i olika rumsliga skalor och framtida klimatscenarier kan påverka relationen mellan mikrobiella samhällens mångfald och mikrobiella ekosystemfunktioner har varit understuderat. Avhandlingen undersöker effekten av förändringar i miljöförhållanden vid olika rumsliga skalor på relationen mellan mikrobiell mångfald och ekosystemfunktionen denitrifikation i kustnära  miljöer i Östersjön. Detta undersöktes på två rumsliga skalnivåer. På liten rumslig skala undersöktes experimentellt mesokosmer av mikrohabitat, med sediment med olika salthalt och nivåer av syre, i olika rumsliga arrangemang genom biogeokemisk och molekylär metodanalys. Potentiell denitrifikationshastighet, kvantitativ analys av transkript av denitrifikationsgener och mikrobiell diversitet analyserades. För analys av effekter på större geografisk rumslig skala, inom Östersjönskust- och havsområden, tillämpades en metadatabaserad spatial modelleringsmetod för att undersöka hur nuvarande miljöförhållanden och framtida klimatförändringsscenarier kan påverka prediktionen av den rumsliga fördelningen av studerade nyckeltaxa av denitrifierare och kvävefixerande filamentösa cyanobakterier. Resultaten visade att salthalt och syre signifikant påverkade den mikrobiella denitrifikationskapaciteten, enligt analys av transkript av nirS- och nosZ-generna, snarare än rumsligt arrangemang. Denitrifikationshastigheten var inte korrelerad med abundansen av nirS-transkript. Den bakteriella taxonomiska sammansättningen påverkades signifikant av salthalt. På kust- och havsskalenivå hade miljövariabler från både marina och terrestra domäner betydande inverkan på den predicerade fördelningen av de studerade bakteriella populationerna. Den förutspådda geografiska spridningen av de studerade denitrifierarna och filamentösa cyanobakterierna, under olika globala uppvärmningsscenarior, indikerade att stigande temperaturer år 2050 och 2100 riskerar att minska de nuvarande bioklimatmässigt lämpliga områdena i Östersjön för de studerade populationerna. Studierna med de experimentella mesokosmerna och modelleringsmetoderna som presenteras i avhandlingen bidrar med kunskap och nya förutsägelser om de rumsliga effekter på ekosystemfunktioner och mikrobiella samhällen under pågående och framtida miljöförändringar i Östersjön.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2024. p. 220
Södertörn Doctoral Dissertations, ISSN 1652-7399 ; 231
Baltic Sea, denitrification, habitat, IPT, microbial community, RT-qPCR, spatial distribution, climate change, Östersjön, denitrifikation, habitat, bakteriesamhälle, rumslig utbredning, klimatförändring
National Category
Research subject
Environmental Studies; Baltic and East European studies
urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-54295 (URN)978-91-89504-86-8 (ISBN)978-91-89504-87-5 (ISBN)
Public defence
2024-09-27, MA 331, Alfred Nobels allé 7, Huddinge, 10:00 (English)
The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies
Available from: 2024-09-03 Created: 2024-06-20 Last updated: 2024-09-26Bibliographically approved

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Abdelgadir, MohanadSjöling, SaraDinnétz, Patrik

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