Multimodal adaptations of Baš-Čelik: From a fairy tale to a comic and illustrated book
2023 (English)In: Facta Universitatis Series: Visual Arts and Music, ISSN 2466-2887, Vol. 9, no 1, p. 1-20Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]
Employing the theoretical framework that represents a unique amalgam of the domains of multimodality, intermediality, transmedia storytelling and adaptation, the paper analyses the process of medial transposition of the folk fairy tale Baš-Čelik, primarily into Đorđe Lobačev’s comic book of the same name (1939/1989), and then into Petar Meseldžija’s 2008 illustrated book The Legend of Baš-Čelik (orig. Legenda o Baš-Čeliku). The paper presents verbal and graphic tools used by these authors in adapting the original text from a monomodal into multimodal media, with a special focus on three research directions. The first is the manner in which the compositional structure of the fairy tale is transferred into the comic and the illustrated book, with the aim of assessing the level of fidelity in these adaptations. The second direction is related to the most important narrative and stylistic differences (e.g., language and tone of narration). The third direction deals with the use of certain comics-specific techniques and resources, such as page layout, use of colour for emphasis, representation of speed and motion, and the presence or absence of particular graphic devices (upfixes and pictorial runes). Finally, the adaptations themselves are compared to each other, highlighting the major similarities and differences between them.
Abstract [sr]
Polazeći od teorijskog okvira koji predstavlјa svojevrsni amalgam domena multimodalnosti, intermedijalnosti, transmedijskog pripovedanja i adaptacije, u ovom radu ćemo analizirati proces medijske transpozicije narodne pripovetke (bajke) Baš-Čelik, prvenstveno u istoimeni strip autora Đorđa Lobačeva (1939/1989), a zatim i u ilustrovanu knjigu Legenda o Baš-Čeliku Petra Meseldžije (2008). Prikazaćemo verbalne i grafičke alate pomoću kojih su ovi autori adaptirali izvorni tekst iz jednog monomodalnog u multimodalne medije, sa posebnim osvrtom na sledeća tri glavna smera istraživanja. Prvo, analiziraćemo na koji je način kompoziciona struktura bajke preneta u strip i ilustrovanu knjigu, u cilјu procene nivoa verodostojnosti adaptacija. Drugo, obratićemo naročitu pažnju na najvažnije narativne i stilističke razlike (npr. jezik i ton naracije). Treće, razmotrićemo upotrebu određenih tehnika i sredstava specifičnih za medij stripa, poput kompozicije strane, upotrebe boja, predstavlјanja brzine i kretanja, te prisustva i odsustva pojedinih grafičkih dekoracija (apfiksa i slikovnih runa). Na kraju, daćemo i poređenje samih adaptacija i ukazati na najznačajnije sličnosti i razlike između njih.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Niš: University of Niš , 2023. Vol. 9, no 1, p. 1-20
Keywords [en]
Multimodal adaptation, Medial transposition, Fairy tale, Comics, Illustrated book
Keywords [sr]
Multimodalna adaptacija, Medijska transpozicija, Narodna bajka, Strip, Ilustrovana knjiga
National Category
General Language Studies and Linguistics
URN: urn:nbn:se:sh:diva-52019DOI: 10.22190/fuvam230413001tOAI:, id: diva2:1783745
2023-07-242023-07-242023-08-10Bibliographically approved