Teachers have to create a variation of learning situations to increase the understanding for theories andabstract models in science. We have experiences of combining aesthetic expression with science in pre-serviceteacher programme for more than ten years and have seen the benefits of embodying abstract theories withdance, art, music or drama and better understanding of science subject matter. The integration of science andaesthetic forms of expressions have support in the Swedish curriculum both for preschool and the compulsoryschool and it is therefore important to include exercises using aesthetic expression in the teacher educationprogram. The purpose of the workshop was to give examples of how art can be used to study phenomena inscience. The workshop was divided into three parts. In the first part the participants were doing differentexercises embodying concepts in physics and creating relations with each other. In the second part theparticipants in groups constructed a kinetic mobile. In the third part, the participants reflected and discussedtheir experience and understanding of phenomena during the workshop. Examples of assessments of theconstruction process were presented. Here we also present the planning and theoretical background to thework with aesthetic expression of science.